MRHA 8: Manipulation, Retaliation, Harassment, Archy

Just one week ago, the citizens of Lumberton voted to #MoveLumbertonForward but the agents of MRHA 8 and others are trying to derail that change. I've been adjusting to my recent win while dealing with rumors on top of rumors. After getting calls from people outside the State of Mississippi and receiving screenshots from various conversations on social media, I decided to do a little investigation. I've barely had time to settle down and embrace the change that the citizens of Lumberton voted for on June 6, 2017 but it seems that I have yet another fight on my hands. LeaAnn Jones-Ulmer, a member of the LEDC and an employee of the MRHA 8, was allegedly going around telling people that I wasn't going to be able to represent Ward 3 because they're [MRHA 8] going to make sure I'm evicted. Keep in mind that a few months ago, I filed a report with the MRHA 8 regional manager about the fact that Ulmer was discussing my files with people on social media. Around the same time, the site manager for Pecan Ridge, LaTonya Hoye, was questioning my ability to pay for a front-load steamer and dryer. They suggested that I was doing something illegal because "they know how much I make and I couldn't possibly afford those items." But somehow, they were calculating my rent at over $1,200/month. At the time, I wasn't sure if the miscalculation was a result of incompetence or because they received notification about the letter I submitted to HUD about their abuse of LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credit). As a former property manager, I now that properties lose money when units are left vacant unless they're finagling the move out dates. After noticing several units being left vacant for several months, I decided to write a letter about the matter with a list of the units that were vacated. So the powers that be at MRHA are essentially retaliating against me because I reported their deceptive practices.

But wait, there's more to this story. After asking the right questions and getting some interesting screenshots, it was discovered that Ben Winston used his connection with his old business partner, the late Mr. J.P. Lawrence, former Executive Director, MRHA 8 to plot with the current management in an effort get me off the property and out of Ward 3. I haven't talked to Winston since the day he came and sat on my porch asking me to forgive him for the things he said and done while serving as Mayor of Lumberton. I never thought his intentions were true but an effort to get me to write positive things about him because he was running for a State Representative. Prior to his latest bid for office, I vowed to refrain from speaking about Ben Winston because I knew people knew his motives. I never would have imagined in a million years that he would sink so low as to try to have me evicted because he and his supporters do not want me to serve as an Alderman. I should have known something was amiss when I saw him and LeaAnn Jones-Ulmer huddled together at the political rally and the fact that he went to extreme measures to avoid speaking. I find it interesting that employees of MRHA 8 would discuss my information; my private/protected information with Ben Winston. I also find it interesting that Paul Ockmond has been going to and fro, courting Lamar County Judges (Anderson, Plumee, and Mozino) trying to sway their decisions if I happen to stand before them in court. I don't know what' more intriguing; the fact that these men will sink so low to keep control over the City of Lumberton or the fact that they're supposed to be men of the cloth. O ye nominal chriistians! Learn ye this from your god?

The week after winning an election should be a time of celebration but I've found myself in another fight. When I decided to run for office, Paul Ockmond went to and fro in Ward 3 looking for a candidate to run against me. Several people had enough integrity to turn him down because they said they will run if they felt the need to run but they will not run because he ordered them to run. They didn't get the board they wanted so they're taking extreme measures to keep me out of office but they will not succeed. When I decided to run for office, I knew I would have to stay in Ward 3 for another four years. I knew leaving the district would result in another special election and that would be an unnecessary expense for a city that's struggling fiscally but that seemingly does not matter to those that are working overtime to run me out of Ward 3. If I was not able to take the oath of office, the City of Lumberton would have to hold another special election to fill my post. Contrary to the misinformation that's being disseminated by certain individuals, the person that did not win will not automatically be giving the position. If they're so confident that I will succumb to retaliation of MRHA 8 then schedule another election and include a run-off for Ward 1.

I find it interesting that the site manager, LaTonya Hoye bodly said that "she want me gone because she's tired of me helping other tenants." Again, notice I didn't use the words allegedly. Well, buckle up Tonya, Ben, Paul, LeaAnn,Rachelle, Jessie and others because I'm going to represent the residents of Ward 3 for the next 4 years. Although they're retaliating against me, I will be a part of the decision making process that will affect every citizen and business of Ward 3. If they're was displeased with my willingness to help others as a private citizen, they're really going to have a problem with the extent I plan to go as an elected official. Your retaliatory efforts will not stop me! If you're a former tenant of MRHA 8, please contact me; there may have been some inappropriate actions taken against you that were in violation of HUD regulations ranging from lease violations, banned lists, calculation of rent, allowances for care takers, etc. There's power in numbers.


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