A Kinder More Gentle Police Department
I was informed this morning that we are having another heated meeting at City Hall. I was told that there was a need for everyone to attend tonight's pre-board meeting since citizen's comments are only allowed on this night, and not at the regularly scheduled meeting. Apparently, the purpose of this meeting is an attempt to get rid of Officer Franklin. I have heard several people state that he is too harsh when dealing with the youth that lives on Myrick Avenue and North 10th Street.
We have some people that think the police should be gentle when dealing with these unruly children. I don't think it's funny when you have children throwing bleach filled water ballons at cars with open windows while children are sitting in the back seat, I don't think it's funny when these children are leaving behind their trails of litter because they have no respect for the area in which they live. The list goes on and on.
I can't wait to see what takes place at tonight's meeting, and what steps will be taken the next day at the regularly called board meeting. Will the board capitulate to the demands of those that want a more gentle police department, or will they take a stand against the onslaught of destruction that has become commonplace for Myrick Avenue and North 10th Street?
It is amazing how these parents show up to complain when someone has the courage to be an adult and attempt to fulfill God given responsibilities to these unruly kids. Where were they when these kids were violating the law and paving their path to the penitentiary? The reason they show up then is out of guilt. Who would not feel guilty for spending more time with their crack pipe than their child. I find the lack of parenting in Lumberton gravely sad. It is this reason I moved my children out of the Lumberton School district. How can I teach my child morals and values when other parents so quickly neglect their obligations to the children who I expose my child to. Your decisions as a parent not only effects your child, but every child that he or she comes in contact with. It is pathetic to see children so unaware of respect that they should hold for their country, men and women who gave their lives for our freedom, and adults that they don't even know to put their hand over their heart during the national anthem. And I realize that it is not their fault. They have never been taught what respect is. It is no wonder when little Johnny gets 18 he has half a dozen illegitimate kids, no job, applying for SSI, on food stamps, has served time in jail, and doesn't even know what a conscience is. I heard the comment the other day "He is only 8." Well I say put your crack pipe down because you are behind 8 years of doing your job as a parent. I want to raise my son to be a man. A real man works, takes care of his family, doesn't take handouts or charity, doesn't wear his pants so that his underwear shows, treats women with respect, does what he says he will do, shows his emotions, is gentle and loving, stands for what he believes, dependable, doesn't take the easy road just because he is scared, is able to put his ego and pride aside for the benefits of his family, but a real man is also tough. He is to be the leader of his house and teaches by setting the example to his wife and children. A real man protects his children and even others when needed. A parent should love their child enough to do what is best for them even if it "hurts" their feelings. Prepare your child for the real world people. Life is not easy and it definitely is not fair. You might be chosen to prepare your child to one day be an adult that has enough courage to correct and discipline someone else's child, because their momma or daddy never were taught the role and responsibility that comes with being an adult. You are to prepare your children for the way in which they should go. Your complaining about the police only demonstrates your failure and ignorance as parent. There are consequences. Love your child enough to let them suffer them. Your complaining is only doing them an injustice and making Lumberton a place where only the ignorant live.
ReplyDeleteI find it amazing that when I was growing up, and I did something wrong, say threw something at someone's vehicle, threw trash anywhere, I got my butt tore up for it. And you know what? I learned that was wrong and I never did it again.