Welcome Back Carter !?!
It seems that Lindsey Carter is back on the payroll in the City of Lumberton. There was never a motion to override the mayor’s veto of his termination, but he was at the last board meeting. I never heard of a veto expiring, but that was the consensus of Aldermen Gibson, Crider, Hale and Johnson. I guess Lindsey would call that a “gray area.” That’s his response when the law is not favorable towards the board. Unfortunately, he’s forgotten that he works for the City of Lumberton and not the aldermen. For instance, at the last board meeting, the aldermen came out of executive session and voted on a motion by Kent Crider to override a veto that the mayor had just issued prior to them going into executive session. Now, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to realize that Kent is either an experiment in Artificial Stupidity or he fell out of the dumb tree and hit every branch on his way down, but how inept are those that voted with him in favor of overriding the veto. Now, I will give Rebecca a pass on this one since she behaves exactly like a person with a field of purp. My bad, I forgot, that was a deer food plot. WTBS. Miss. Code, Section 21-3-15 clearly states that “the veto override vote must take place at the next board meeting immediately following the notice of the veto.” Lindsey Carter calls that a gray area, but when you print out this section of the law, the excerpt I just quoted is printed in red. The mayor verbally acknowledged that she was vetoing the agenda item, but the law clearly states that the override vote must take place at the NEXT board meeting. The meeting was not adjourned, so they were still in the same meeting; therefore, leaving executive session does not qualify as another meeting. I find it quite interesting that Lindsey Carter boast about the fact that he successfully defended the City of Lumberton against several EEOC claims and how he built his career on prosecuting some prominent members of the Klan, but in the twilight of his career, he don’t have the ability to interpret a law that been on the books since 1950. Interesting? It certainly seems like Carter or someone with a vested interst is advising Gibson, Crider, Hale and Johnson. The issue regarding the signing of the checks was political manipulation on their part. In my opinion, someone advised Gibson, Crider, Hale and Johnson on a process they could use to bring suit against Mayor Holder, but to their dismay, she didn’t fall into their trap. When the board called a special called meeting the day after the regular meeting, Bobby Gibson told Stephanie to prepare all the checks and have them ready in the office, and if she [Mayor Holder] don’t come in and sign them, call me and we’ll know what steps to take next. So, Gibson had no intention of signing the checks and they (Gibson, Crider, Hale and Johnson) thought they had set up the perfect trap for Mayor Holder. It reminds me of the line from an old gospel song, “You dig one ditch, you better dig two; the trap you set just may be for you.” But, who is signing Carter’s checks? I’m certain that Mayor Holder is not signing his checks since she know that the veto was never overridden; so he’s not officially back on the City of Lumberton’s payroll and issuing him a payment would actually mean that someone is endorsing an “illegal check”. Is Mayor Pro Tempore, Bobby Gibson putting his bond on the line in order to pay Lindsey Carter? Now that would be an interesting scenario. Bobby Gibson risking his bond to sign Lindsey Carter’s check, but wouldn’t show up to sign the check for the rest of the city employees. Things that make you go. . hummmmm. So, welcome back Carter, the Sweathogs have eagerly awaited your return.
I don't know why Bobby ran for office, but it wasn't for the betterment of the city. He has an axe to grind with the police department and they know it. He basically trolls the streets, looking to get his family out of trouble. LPD is so scared of losing their jobs that they let his son drive around drunk and disorderly without saying a word because they know once they say something or do something, he's going to get his crew together and vote to have them terminated. Who do we turn to for help? They say that your blog is off point, but you can't just make this shit up, it's got to be happening and sadly, the citizens of this city does not care. One half is happy that they get to see black aldermen treat a black mayor like she doesn't matter and the other half do not care what goes on at city hall until it hits home. I like the blog, but what can we do, before the next election, to get this mess straight?