Never Assume Anything

Are You Guilty of being an assumption-holic? Let’s look at some definitions of the word assume: “To draw conclusions on the basis of tiny scraps of evidence. To take for granted, without proof; to suppose as a fact, to take arbitrarily or tentatively; the act of anticipating something before hand - before the proper time & natural order. (Even if we have proof of something and believe it... without a doubt…we add more to the assuming than should be there) “Jumping to conclusions” & “prejudging”-to me are as good as any definition. There are more times that what is happening is real and we all get that part, but many times we just assume something that just is not so and no one wants to go the distance to fix anything. They were wrong possibly for years under wrong assumptions. An assumption-holic is a person that makes false assumptions about others, portraying them in the worst possible light, with the end being damage to if not destruction of a relationship. When I firs...