
Showing posts from May, 2012

Never Assume Anything

Are You Guilty of being an assumption-holic? Let’s look at some definitions of the word assume: “To draw conclusions on the basis of tiny scraps of evidence. To take for granted, without proof; to suppose as a fact, to take arbitrarily or tentatively; the act of anticipating something before hand - before the proper time & natural order. (Even if we have proof of something and believe it... without a doubt…we add more to the assuming than should be there) “Jumping to conclusions” & “prejudging”-to me are as good as any definition. There are more times that what is happening is real and we all get that part, but many times we just assume something that just is not so and no one wants to go the distance to fix anything. They were wrong possibly for years under wrong assumptions. An assumption-holic is a person that makes false assumptions about others, portraying them in the worst possible light, with the end being damage to if not destruction of a relationship. When I firs...

Danny Boy's Dilemma: LBC Closing

Right before the summer season started, it was announced that Little Black Creek will be closing from July 1, 2012 to September 1, 2012. It is being said that the Lamar County Supervisors have withdrawn their membership in the Pat Harrison Waterway District and the $390,000 membership payment. That took a big chunk out of the $790,000 that was spent at the water park. It is said that the Lamar County Supervisors did not have a vote or any say in the decisions that are being made and felt the $390,000 could be spent elsewhere. Well, the matter is going to court, but for the moment, the Little Black Creek Water Park will be closed during the summer/waterparking season. So, I think we will see Danny Davis' name back on the City of Lumberton's agenda for next month to be re-hired as Public Works Director. Last year, Davis left after submitting a one day notice to the City of Lumberton to take a job at Little Black Creek. With the pending closure of the park, I think he'll b...

Pink Friday. . Lumberton Edition

For those of you that are not on my facebook page, you missed how a blanket statement led a group self-absorbed, non-parental group of people to city hall to file charges against me for posting on my facebook page. Now where they do that at? Oh, Lumberton. I wasn't speaking in tongues, but apparently, they needed an interperter. I posted the following on facebook yesterday: "Teenage girls + a woman who's dating a man that was one pickup line away from being her daddy instead of her papi = handcuffs (and not the fluffy pink ones you keep in your freak kit). . .#6vs1" Now how in the Rick Ross did this strike such a nerve? So, for the slow and imparied that apparently have issues with reading and comprehension, I will reveal the meaning of that statement. Contrary to the inbox messages, calls, etc. the post was not about this father that has been allegedly having sex with his daughter. The post was about the grown woman that is/was dating someone almost twice her age...

At Last. .

(copied from the Lamar County Library System website.) Beginning June 2, 2012, the Lumberton Public Library will be opeining from 10:00AM until 2:00PM on Saturdays. This will give the patrons at the south end of Lamar County an option for library service closer to home on Saturdays. At the end of September 2012, usage statistics will be evaluated to determine if the staff resources to open the branch should be continued. So come out on Saturdays to make sure there is enough visits to justify staying open on Saturdays. Note: Register your children now for the summer reading program.

Just When You Thought I Was Finished. .

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;I come to shine the light of accountability on the elected officials of Lumberton, not to praise them.The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let's hope that's not the case when it comes to the City of Lumberton. In the words of Mark Twain, the reports of the death of the Lumberton Informer has been greatly exaggerated. I'm not done yet. When I'm ready to stop blogging it will be on my own terms; not on the terms of others. WTBS. . I'm back and get ready for some more of my insights into Lumberton's city government. There are a lot of secrets waiting to be shared and you all know how I love to share. Lumberton is a solution waiting for a problem; in other words, it's @$$ backwards. There has been quite a few things happening over the weeks, but they were just too depressing even for me to comment about. However, I'm still trying to sink my teeth into the rep...

In Case You Were Wondering?

The things that capture the imagination of some people is still amazing. Yesterday, two people were having an in-depth discussion about the construction work that's taking place at Frank Lee Homes. The older woman was convinced that there were in the process of erecting a fence around the property and the teen age boy said "I think it's just going to be a new sidewalk. From their conversation, I realized that the construction was apparently on the minds of some. Unfortunately, the resident advisory board memeber from Frank Lee Homes didn't know, but then again, none of the tenants have been given any information/reports about the meetings she attended, but that's apparently why they hand-picked her to serve in that capacity. The spring newsletter made a brief reference to the installation of new sidewalks at Frank Lee Homes. Apparently, the powers that be felt it was an item of upmost importance. I don't know how they came to the decision to install new s...

Special Election 2012

There was a special called meeting last night at city hall. The board offically accepted the resignation of Alderwoman Rebecca Hale. The special election will be held on June 26,2012. Those intersted in running for that position need to have their signature sheets and other certification paperwork turned in to Stephanie Mullings, city clerk no later that 5:00 p.m. on June 25, 2012. (I hope I got those dates correct, but to be sure, you may call city hall at 601-796-8341). It seems that there are at least two individuals that are interested in filling the position that was vacated by Hale: Deborah Gallagher and Jay McGraw. The board also voted to appoint Mary Slater as the Election Commissioner. She is taking over the position that was held by the late Mrs. Margaret Bowens. Also, Shirley Barrett and Linda Martin are being added to the election committee. Alderman at Large wanted to add Mrs. Vivian Lundy, but she couldn't be added because she never worked on the election comm...

Mindless Behavior

Just the other week, Mrs. Kim Rogers addressed the board and was telling them how there's nothing for our children to do and how they're running to trouble. Well, it seems that she's correct. I just heard that there are some teens in Lumberton that has a taser gun in their possession. I know the UNCF said that a mind is a terrible thing to waste, but there are times when I think some minds are just a terrible thing. What are they thinking? It seems that every year, the eratic behavior of these kids seems to escalete. One summer there was this seemingly random home break-ins and then there was the summer when they thought it was "fun" to throw bleach filled water ballons into the open windows of unsuspecting drivers. Now, it seems they have escalated their dangerous minds to an unfathomable degree. Don't they realize the danger of using a taser gun on someone? Police officers are trained to use taser guns, but if someone with a heart/health issue is ...


The house that made news for having over 40 dogs in the small area was lost due to a fire. The cause of the fire is not clear at this moment, but the woman that once lived there had moved to a 3 acre lot in Wiggins with all of her dogs in tow.

Sticker Shock and Grant Losses

Over the last few years, the citizens of Lumberton have had to deal with water bill sticker shock. It seems that households of the same size would generally have the same bill month after month, but that's not the case in the City of Lumberton. For some reason, it's not unsual for a person to have a $33.90 water bill for almost a year and then out of the blue, they get a water bill for $217. The customer that experienced this said he felt like he was held up in a strong arm robbery. He said there were no leaks and everyone, including Bobby Gibson, said that they couldn't find any leaks on his property. First of all, when did Gibson start checking meters for water leaks? Despite numerous requests from citizens and recommendations by the city's auditor, this board has no plans for fixing WSOM. We thought things were going to change when Ben Barrett, Jr. took over, but he left the city hanging. . again. It seems that every resident of Lumberton needs to get checke...

189 Days and Counting: Don't Get Distracted

Yesterday, there was a Hoodie March and Trayvon Martin's parents participated in the march. I am truly saddened by the events that led to the loss of his life, but I also realize that while his death was tragic, I think OUR community is getting side-tracked with the Trayvon Martin events. Also, I don't think the death of Trayvon would have tugged on so many heart strings if he wasn't a handsome, appropriately dressed young man. Had Trayvon Martin been a sagging pants, underwear exposed, profanity slinging, tatted up hoodlum, I think the case would have went unnoticed, but all of the photos I've seen of Martin, his pants were pulled up and his t-shirts were fitted; not looking like these night gown sized t-shirts sported by some we see on daily basis. WTBS. There has been a lot of rallies surrounding the Trayvone Martin case, but I think those were missed opportunites. I am supportive of the rallies, but I think that the rallies should have included a voter reg...

Case Dismissed

The tenants of Frank Lee Homes had their day in court today. Judge Anderson did not want to place the blame on any of the parties involved, but he did assign Wayne Hale to serve court notices for the City of Lumberton. The tenants were given an opportunity to present their cases because they alleged that Constable Danny Edwards did not serve anyone with papers to attend court. Judge Anderson told them he didn't know who to believe, but he was willing to work with those involved to resolve the matter. After presenting their cases, the tenants were permitted to remain in their unit. The property manager wanted everyone involved evicted; despite the fact that the tenants had paid their rent and the allegations that the management of Frank Lee Homes is holding back payments in an effort to build a case against the tenants. Thankfully, Anderson saw through the smoke screen and gave the tenants that stilled owed rent, ten more days to pay their rent. Something strange is taking pl...

Lumberton's Best Investment Overlooked Again

Last night it was finally revealed why the board members refused to attend the special called meeting; they do not want Elsie Cowart to serve as Chief of Police. When the vote was taken, Rogers and Hale voted in favor of appointing Elsie Cowart as Police Chief while Gibson, Crider and Johnson voted against the motion. Hale pointed out that Elsie had been employed with the City of Lumberton for the past 5 years and she also stated, on record, that she felt that Elsie was "fair and honest." Now, I'm not going to hold it against Hale, but didn't she say the same thing about Hobson. But let's get real; there's a big difference in the way Elsie governs and the way Hobson ruled. For the first time, the board room was filled with officers, on duty and off duty. I have never seen officers concerned about city affairs like I witnessed last night and I believe that their concern is part of the Elsie Effect. Promoting Elsie would be a good return on the City of L...

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly--May 1, 2012 Board Meeting

Paul Ockmond started off citizens comments by inviting everyone to the National Day of Prayer event on Thursday. Then Amos Fagan addressed the board. I'm not sure about the comments he made, but they apparently irked Alderman Gibson because he wanted to board to enforce the two minute speaking rule and he also want citizens to submit a letter of intent/purpose whenever they want to be placed on the agenda. Although it wasn't mentioned during the meeting, but last night was Rebecca Hale's last night as Alderwoman, Ward 1. Hale submitted her letter of resignation and it effective May 2, 2012. Now, the City of Lumberton must hold a special election before June 17, 2012 to fill her spot on the board. It seems that Jay McGrew and Deborah Gallagher are vying for the vacated positon in Ward 2. Kim Rogers, founder of the KeKe B Foundation, made an impassioned plea to the board members; asking them to remember the promises they made before they were elected. Kim told the bo...

Bass Pecan Closing

Deborah Gallagher, manager of Lumberton's Bass Pecan Store, announced that the store will be closing its doors at the end of May. Hopefully, the store will be operate on a seasonal basis. If that's the case, the store will reopen from October 1, 2012 until April 30, 2013. For now, the store is not able to remain open the entire year and will have to close to save money.

This Place Is Jumping

Paul Ockmond handed me a copy of Marsh and Bayou Magazine . On page 34 was a story featuring the Gold Coast Skydivers Group of Lumberton, Mississippi. The magazine is distrubed in Lousiana and in most Academy Sporting Goods stores. The story was listed under a segment of "Adventures of Mom and Boy" and outlined the reasons why they chose Gold Coast Skydivers. They said Goldcoast had a large staff and a large twin engine turbine jump plane that can accommodate six tandems on one load. The plane climbs to altitude in only 12 minutes. The drop zone is the #1 rated drop zone in the world according to All staff is licensed by United States Parachute Assocation and Gold Coast has been in business since 1993. Later in the meeting, it was discussed that the City of Lumberton and Gold Cost Skydivers have not come to an agreement on a new lease. The old lease agreement expired February 2012. It was said that Gold Coast offered to pay $300/month to lease the a...

Montoya's Mission

Last night, Montoya Ball gave Mayor Holder and the Board of Aldermen an update on the work she's been conducting to get the 5th Avenue Cemetery recognized by the National Archives. During Hurricane Camille (circa 1969) the headstones were either destroyed or displaced. Over the years, many people forgot that the area was a cemetery. For years, there was a playground located in that area. According to the information presented last night, it was discovered that a church, Dudley Chapel, was located in that area and the cemetery was behind the church. It was also noted that the former church was also used as a school. More information is needed to complete this process and Montoya is asking for help from anyone that could help her complete her mission. Alderman Gibson pledged to donate fencing for the area and said he would help in other areas, if needed. Montoya is planning on having a monument erected on the site, but she need help with identifying who's buried in that...

Lumberton's 10th Annual National Day of Prayer

Chaplin Paul Ockmond gave me the following announcement: Everyone is welcome to join us at the Ben Barrett Community Center to join as many people of faith to petition God to show us His mercy and His love; to guide us as we work together for the best interest of our community, our state, our nation, our world and the ultimate goal of peace. Last year, pastors from 16 different churches participated in the prayer time. Refreshments will be provided and a time for fellowship. Please feel free to call me at cell 601-688-5050 if you need more information. To God be the Glory.