In Case You Were Wondering?

The things that capture the imagination of some people is still amazing. Yesterday, two people were having an in-depth discussion about the construction work that's taking place at Frank Lee Homes. The older woman was convinced that there were in the process of erecting a fence around the property and the teen age boy said "I think it's just going to be a new sidewalk. From their conversation, I realized that the construction was apparently on the minds of some. Unfortunately, the resident advisory board memeber from Frank Lee Homes didn't know, but then again, none of the tenants have been given any information/reports about the meetings she attended, but that's apparently why they hand-picked her to serve in that capacity. The spring newsletter made a brief reference to the installation of new sidewalks at Frank Lee Homes. Apparently, the powers that be felt it was an item of upmost importance. I don't know how they came to the decision to install new sidewalks; it seems they want those that loiter on the property to have a clean slate to stand on (pun intended). One would think that Mississippi Regional Housing would have used the funding to install more parking spaces since they're paying a hefty price for concrete. At least the additional parking spaces would have alleviated the need for residents to park in the street allowing a more unobstructed flow of traffic and it would also distract from the overgrown yards that look uncut even on the day the grass is actually cut. But who know what they were thinking. One thing for sure, they weren't thinking about what would be best for the property. MRHA says they're doing this to improve the property value, but how are they planning to do that when each unit has only one parking space? That might have been good and well in 1969 when the units were first built, but not in this day and age. Once again, they're investing in what they think would be best; at least on paper, but maybe they will tweak their plans and look for a way to bring in more parking spaces.


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