Co-Workers or Co-Conspirators?
Last week I announced that I was going to blog about something I discovered. Unfortunately, I was not able to get all the pieces of the puzzle because of the storm that hit the Pine Belt. The story may be delayed but it will get posted as soon as I get my hands on the other information. The person that was supposed to send me the links I need is currently dealing with the aftermath of an actual storm. I may not get to blog the rest of the week because of a change in my schedule but as soon as I get copies of the information, I will post them on the blog. Now in other news.....
As you know, today was supposed to be the court date regarding the charges filed against Daniel Davis and the assault that took place at the Lumberton Public Library while he was duty as an employee of the City of Lumberton. After I listed to the video tape of the department heads that included Mayor Kent Crider bragging that they have Judge Anderson in their pockets and that "he's waiting on me." In addition to the fact that every department head had something negative to say about me and my blog, the fact that the board of aldermen decided NOT to do anything to their co-worker for committing an assault while on duty, the fact that the person that was supposed to fairly judge the case is employed by the City of Lumberton and the fact that everyone else involved in the case is employed by the City of Lumberton led me to go to the Lamar County District Attorney and request a change of venue. I did not share a copy of the rest of the tape but once I get a response from the entities that received copies, I will share the rest of the video with the readers of the blog.
While I wait on the additional information needed to post about the tapestry of corruption that has included several mayors, take a moment to go back and watch the video where Kent Crider was totally dumbfounded when he had to deal with a board comprised of intelligent individuals with integrity. That video alone provides me with all the details I need for my case. In a situation where a city employee assaulted someone while on duty, the elected officials responded from a place of being jaded instead of their duty to make a just decision. But what else would you expect from a board of hypocrites? After looking at that video, it because clear why Crider asked Danny's family to meet with him at city hall after the assault. It seem that they decided to create a narrative of what they planned on happening. I guess they forgot that the library has surveillance cameras. Crider was adamant that the assault took place outside but the cameras tell a different story. Because they're not concerned about justice, they were willing to believe any story because they wanted to justify the assault. You're fighting to prove a lie and you're running with it without any regard for the truth because you're feelings are hurt because I dare to post the truth about your incompetence. Keep defending a lie because I have the truth on my side. It's funny that the mayor is so eager to accept a lie but so are his fellow elected officials. There are several people on the board that claim to be Christians (Susan Critter, Tommy Dukes, Quincy Rogers and Cora Rogers) but Quincy Rogers was the only one that acted out of principles not pettiness. The fact that these so-called Christians shirked their responsibilities because they're feelings are hurt is proof that they are not qualified to make decisions that will affect an entire city. They have an ought against me but they want to leave their gift at the alter. Interesting. On January 3, 2017, you elected officials showed you who they are. If they are willing to turn their backs on their ethical responsibility when it comes to me they will do it again when the matter involves another citizen. Just so we're clear, the fact that no one would second the motion of Quincy Rogers to suspend Davis until the trial has put each of them on the hook and since they're looking for a new attorney for the City of Lumberton, they may want to familiarize themselves with the doctrine of respondeat superior. Just in case they try to justify their failure to hold their employee accountable....after the letters I submitted and the assault I suffered....they must realize this.... Ignoratia legis neminem excusat clearly explain why their ignorance is not protected under the law. If they didn't know the details of the assault, they should have taken the initiative like the Lamar County Library Board and searched for the truth.
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