The Revolution WILL Be Televised
I was going to entitle this post "Jack-holes of the Year but we're in the middle of January; I'm sure there will be plenty more before this is over. I could gloat but I'm just glad that I'm finally getting video footage proving what I've blogged about for years. Blog post after blog post, the powers that be were claiming that I was telling lies but now they're coming apart at the seams because they're scrambling to silence me. I know many of you watched the video from the meeting with the Lamar County Library Board where they announced that Danny Davis was banned from the Lumberton Public Library because he assaulted me. Now you know why Lamar County is advancing while the City of Lumberton continues to fall apart. The Lamar County Library Board took actions based on evidence while the Lumberton Board of Alderpersons refused to take actions because they're emotionally involved; their dislike of me caused them to shirk their responsibilities as elected officials. It's interesting that in Lamar County, they're willing to adhere to the law while Lumberton seeks to protect their co-worker that committed assault while still on the time clock. In addition to failing to reprimand Davis, the board is also looking into terminating the current city attorney because they allegedly don't want to take his advice on certain legal matters.
It was grace that allowed me to attend the meeting. I was having trouble with my internet (oh wait, according to so many in Lumberton, I don't have access to the internet unless I'm at the library but don't tell them I'm usually at the library helping people with resumes, research papers and job applications and it's cheaper to use their printer than to buy ink for my own printer) and was waiting for someone from the Geek Squad to come repair my modem. While waiting, I received an interesting text about the meeting in Purvis. I didn't think I would make it in time but I was able to get there in time to get some serious side eye from the Jack-hole section. Immediately, I started taking photos and getting ready to record. Prior to the citizen comment, Merlene Wall showed her lack of decorum and started shouting "take a picture...frame it while you're at it." During her performance, I was playing the scene of Granny Klump in my head. Shhhhh. Stop acting so stupid!'s not an act. I was so deep in thought that I actually laughed out loud and I think that angered her more and she took out her cellphone and started taking pictures of me. Of course I smiled for the ugly trolls but I'm sure she got some photos of me when I wasn't looking. Oh well.
I'm glad I taped the meeting because now you have a voice to compare with the other tape I have of Kent Crider. You know the one where he's saying they have Judge Bill Anderson in their pocket and that he's waiting on me. My bad. I haven't posted that video yet. However, when I do, you will know the voice despite not being able to see his face. As Crider was sitting there doling out his version of events (another reason they need to learn the difference between inference and implied) I was wondering what event he was referring to. They have rehearsed their story so much but I guess they forgot the Lumberton Public Library has surveillance. Since they're saying the incident started outside, they should have a copy of the surveillance tape showing it started outside. There was a plethora of misinformation spewing from Crider's lips and that's probably why they're looking forward to Anderson hearing the case because it's essentially Team Lumberton (chief, clerk, public works department, judge, etc) vs. Jonathan Griffith. It seems that they're not concerned with the truth, they just want to protect a person that "made them proud" by breaking the law.
Although I'm not easily shocked. I was shocked when the sitting mayor of Lumberton threatened to have citizens boycott the Lumberton Public Library because they banned a criminal. I'm not sure this boycott will be effective because the Lumberton Public Library is really the epicenter of Lumberton (you notice there's a report of its activities every Sunday in the Hattiesburg American) and I'm almost certain that those supporting Danny Davis are not regulars at the library anyway. Keep in mind that Lumberton sold the Lumberton Public Library to Lamar County for $1 because the City of Lumberton could not afford to pay the insurance or make necessary repairs. Now the person that voted to hand over the library want the citizens to boycott it because he don't like the fact that the Lamar County Library Board are professionals and his co-workers are not. As I close, I want to say one more thing about the infantile behavior of these senior citizens. It's sad that they're spending so much time obsessing over my blog; imagine if some of the time and effort used in an attempt to shut me down was used to work towards bringing jobs to the City of Lumberton.
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