It's Budget Time
The City of Lumberton is gearing up for the new budget. There is a special called meeting today at 10:00 a.m. One of the agenda items is for the department heads to give their budget proposals. There aren't any more newly elected officials serving on the Lumberton Board of Alderpersons. It's been over a year since this new board took office, so the budgeting process should go a little smoother this year. I must remember to submit my request for a copy of the 2011 budget. What changes will be made? Will the public works department keep a full-time staff all year long or will they have lay-offs after the grass cutting season is over? Will Melissa Pack be brought on as full time deputy court clerk? Will there be any raises given this year? These and many other questions will be answered aas we enter the 2011 budgeting process.
The meeting was cancelled because there was not a quorum.