Strange Ordinances
I was looking through some old law books, and I saw some strange ordinances that are still on the books across the country. For instance, in Oklahoma, Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property. In Louisiana, Biting someone with your natural teeth is "simple assault," while biting someone with your false teeth is "aggravated assault." And in Indiana, Bathing is prohibited during the winter. I began to wonder, what types of ordinances are still on the books in Lumberton. I know that many of our oridinances may be outdated, but I don't think we have any that could be classified as strange. One of the biggest problems with the ordinances in Lumberton is that they are not being enforced. For instance, the curfew ordinance and the ordinance prohibiting loaded (heavy) trucks in communities. Now, before you get your hate mail pens out, I don't have a problem with children hanging out. I have a problem with the mounds of paper and debris that mark their nightly expeditions. And the matter of the heavy trucks has been an issue that has caused an uproar during several administrations. Unfortunately, every board has backed down on this issue. However, if something is not done, the City of Lumberton will have a lot of residents that will be without water/sewer use because at some point, one of those trucks will rupture a major line and then this city will have a real dillemma. We have entered the budget season and the city officials have some tough decisions to make. There comes a time when our elected officials must adandon their personal relationships and do what's best for the citzens of Lumberton. Like I stated yesterday, I wouldn't want to make those decisions, but they must be made. It's not personal, it's business. Department heads must have the support of the Board of Alderpersons in order to run their departments effectively, and municiple codes (ordinances) are ineffective if they are not being enforced.
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