Mississippi Politics 2015

In case you didn't know and all those clusters of political signs didn't give you a clue, this is an election year for Mississippi. Usually, there's low voter turn out for state elections but I think it's important to vote in every election; not just the Presidential election. The primaries are August 4, 2015 and it only take a few minutes to make sure your voice is heard. When I saw the list of candidates, I knew early on that I would be taking part in the Republican primaries. First, I don't like it when a person is elected and I didn't have any input. Most of the candidates running for office are Republican and I want to have a say in who serves. Now I have never been one to vote along party lines; I vote for tbe person not the party. Well, there are those that will say their vote don't count and they're right. If you don't vote, your vote does not count. Voting is important and the residents of Lumberton are seeing the direct results of not voting. Unless you want the County and State to be governed like Lumberton, due to low voter participation, I suggest you make your way to the polls on August 4, 2015.

There are some that say I'm too suspicious but whenever I see the media focusing on one issue, I wonder what are they trying to keep us from seeing. Since the shooting in South Carolina, Mississippi news outlets have posted a story about the Confederate flag every day. These stories usually garner the most comments via social media. There's arguments that the flag represents history, heritage and hate. It's a hotly debated issue but I think the Confederate flag is being used to detract us from more relevant issues. I am not a fan of the Confederate flag and what it symbolizes to me may not be what it symbolizes to others but guess what, it's not going to be addressed this year or next year. If you want the flag changed, then take the initiative and get the petition signatures needed to have it placed on the ballots....again or elect officials that will fight to have it changed. Arguing via social media is not effective. As a blogger, I realize that

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster."-Netzsche
In the midst of all the flag stories, I have yet to see any indepth coverage about Initiative 42.

Initiative 42 will determine if schools in Mississippi will be fully funded. The passage of Initiative 42 will add an amendment to the state Constitution that requires the state to fund an adequate and efficient system of free public schools. As stated by Claiborne Barksdale, former CEO of the Barksdale Reading Institute, "Full funding won't guarantee success but continued failure to fund will virtually guarantee failure." So don't allow issues like the Confederate flag distract you from important ballot initiatives.

This past weekend, there was a political rally in Lumberton and we had the opportunity to meet the candidates seeking office. While giving their speeches, the candidates explained their platform. Well, the candidates with a plan explained 4heir platform. For some reason, Ben Winston, Mayor of Lumberton and District 2 candidate, decided to use most of his time trying to convince the voters to not believe the things posted by the Lumberton Informer. If I was 9 months into a budget year and didn't know what was in the budget, basically eliminated the police department and allegedly lied to the Army Corp of Engineers in writing, I wouldn't talk about myself either. Mr. Winston, the FOIA has been submitted and the 20 day waiting period is coming to an end, so rest assured, you will be totally exposed before November. Don't believe me just watch.

It was great seeing the candidates with their families (wives, husbands, children, grandchildren) greeting the public. I have had tne opportunity to interact with most candidates. At this point, I have spoken to one candidate for Constable, District 3 and that's E.L."Scooter" Coker. I was surprised that the current constable, Danny "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere" Edwards wasn't at the rally. I guess he don't see the need to campaign and that's not resting well with me and it shouldn't rest well with the voters. I haven't had tne opportunity to speak to or interact with Tim Heldt, another candidate for District 2 Supervisor. I saw his campaign page on Facebook and from the two posts, I've learned that he's a retired coach. The fact that he's not accessible as a candidate gives me the impression that he won't be accessible ad a representative. Here's a bit of advice for candidates with social media pages, you should interact with those visiting your page. People want real time updates not posts days after the event. If you don't have a social media coordinator you should get one. Over the next couple of weeks, I will feature candidates that contacted me and I will post responses from readers that in boxed/texted me reasons why they're supporting certain candidates. Good luck to all tne candidates and may the best man or woman win!


  1. I didn't get the chance to meet you at the rally. I noticed you didn't mention anything about Ben Winston's wife and children not being at the rally with him. I thought that was interesting. If your own family don't believe in you why should the voters?


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