Chiefing. . . Chief Fortenberry Needs Your Support

I remember when I first saw the movie Friday and thought how funny it was when Craig was fired on his day off, but when life imitates reality; it's not funny. On Hobson's first day as board appointed chief, he was ready to clean house; Chief Fortenberry included. Chief Fortenberry was on the coast attending an officer's training conference, but he had to cut his trip short to find out what was going on in Lumberton. When Chief makes it to Lumberton, Bobby Gibson and Kent Crider ordered Chief Fortenberry to turn over his keys and told him that he was suspended pending termination. Wait, the chaos does not end there. Kent Crider also informed Cassandra Fortenberry and Franklin that they were suspended because Hobson said they did not follow his instructions because Cassandra had the nerve to question the city clerk about her cancelled insurance. For those of you that like to keep your heads in the sand and make the claim that all of this is not about race--you need to take a reality enema and cleanse yourselves of that bloatted way of thinking. Those in charge of the city's adminstration, Crider and Hale, are so desperate to have a white Chief of Police that they are willing to deregate an honorable, law-abiding, Christian man like Chief Adrien Fortenberry so they can appoint a lying, abusive, non-professional like Darren Dennis Hobson. I know what you're thinking. You're probably saying what everyone else is saying. "How can they be racist when they have two black aldermen supporting the dismissal of Chief Fortenberry?" Well, I'm glad you asked that question. Sadly, the black community (excuse me for not using the politically correct term African-American) has been plagued with divisiveness. The institution of slavery wouldn't have flourished had it not been for the coorperation of several blacks that were willing to make a profit by selling their own brothers and sisters into slavery. More blacks would have made it to the underground railroad if there wasnt' a group of house slaves that were willing to tell of the secret passage in hopes of gaining some favor from the massah. Unfortunatly, there have always been sell outs in our community, but it's time for you, the residents of Wards 3 and 4, to demand accountability from those you help put into office. Sell outs have always been for sale, but it's time to let Tim and Bobby know that we ain't buying. There will be a special call meeting today at 12:30 at Lumberton's City Hall. The aldermen are planning on terminating the employment of Chief Fortenberry, Officer Franklin and Officer C. Fortenberry. Seems like a modern day Middle Passage. They are planning on throwing the black officers overboard, will you be there to voice your displeasure with this injustice?


  1. You know it’s really sad to see what has happened to a place I call my home town. I can remember when people were proud to say they were from Lumberton which is hard to do now a days. Your blog represents everything that is wrong with the town. You throwing the race card up makes me sick. Just go back and read your blogs. Can you honestly say you are not racist yourself. I have not read one thing positive about the other race. When I lived there race wasn’t an issue. It is just a shame to see all this on the news every other week. The law enforcement in Lumberton is a joke. This all started years back by a certain alderman and mayor running good officers out of town for arresting their family members. That’s why you have the quality of law enforcement you have now. What good honest law enforcement officer would want to deal with this mess? I know people that won’t even drive through Lumberton because they don’t want to have to go through the endless road blocks and the bull crap reasons they give for pulling you over while the drug problem continues to get worse and worse. The way things are going the town is going to shut down. All the businesses are closing and people are leaving our once proud town. The next thing to come will be the high school moving north, which you can count on will happen in the next 10 years and maybe the sheriff department will take over the law enforcement of the town. I don’t think there is any hope for Lumberton as long as certain people are in city hall.

  2. Discussions of race and discrimination are not a Friday night game of spades. The term "race card" is an insulting characterization of a deeply serious issue--racism--that has plagued this country for almost 400 years and that we, as a nation, must continue to deal with. To equate racism with a card is insulting, because it trivializes the real pain and damage racism has caused to millions of people. It disrespects the struggles our forefathers overcame so that we can have opportunity today.

  3. Bobby Gibson has always wanted to be white but they gonna get him next. Dummy!!


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