Moral Turpitude

Last week I was accused of moral turpitude. Gross Moral Turpitude is a Medieval legalistic term which referred to "the raping of large numbers of nuns", specifically in numbers in excess of eleven at any one time but a similar act performed on eleven or less nuns is referred simply as Moral Turpitude, and have a less strict canonical relevance. Today, the term is most often heard from sanctimonious do-gooders intent of pushing their own limited worldview onto the larger community, most often in the form of questioning the ethics and moral compass of reasonable individuals who might disagree with them and that's what I took from the conversation that was meant to put me in my place, so to speak. So let me take a few moments to tell you my views of moral turpitude. It's no surprise that some elected officials want to catagorize me as a vile person. Why? Is it because I feel that they should be held accountable to those that elected/selected them to serve. You may consider my posts a bad thing, and I have no problem with that, but I have grown weary of those that have the "we must blame somebody" mentality. I take full responsibility for the things I say, but the comment section is a creature of it's own. Since people have nothing better to do, and when they want to take their focus off the post, they will then sit around and say "well, he let's people say all type of vile things in the comments and since he don't delete the comments, he's responsible. And to that I say, bull (manure). I know why I'm considered a bad person, which is why when I see other bad men/women, I see their deeds and I know their motives. I see Bobby Gibson, Rebecca Hale and Timothy Johnson and all I see are mounds that are just as ineffective and twice as foul as excrement. (OAN: Tim is beginning to think outside of the shared brain of the collective. I don't know if this was just a fluke or he did so because the glue of the Divide and Conquer Coalition was not present at the last board meeting.) I see Gibson, Hale and Johnson as a stain on the City of Lumberton; people that have allowed their lack of moral turpitude to taint the office they were sworn to uphold. They have compromised the people they were sworn to serve and sadly, they don't have the f-ing competence to do bad things well. They don't deserve their position, they don't deserve their place,their title and they don't have the stuff it takes.
Someone was so miffed about my posts that the elected coward had the audacity to wish that something bad would happen to me. Now how's that for righteous indignation? But my response to this person is how small, how pedestrian, how cheap and how cowardly. Does this person realize how little her petty act of defiance register to me. We live in a small town and there's a church on almost every corner and in a town begins every board meeting with a prayer, we have individuals sitting behind the podium wishing/hoping for bad things to happen to another member of their community. The fact that this petty, self-serving troglodyte wishes harm on another person is just another reflection of this person's character, or lack thereof. And to what end? Why would you make such a statement? To make your mundane, inconsequential life mean something. You want to feel. Is that it? You want to f-ing matter? Well, you don't matter. What ever station you occupy, others have given you. You don't matter. You don't have the fortitude to stand on your own. You must rely on others to give you a voice and that why you're so bitter because you know that without the support of your fellow stains, you don't matter and that's your burden to carry. (This post inspired by an episode of Boss.)


  1. Why would you use that picture, don't you know that children read this blog and why didn't you list Crider when you were talking about the aldermen?

    1. If you read the article you would know why I used the picture. If children are reading the blog then it's up to the parents to filter what their child is reading. I could put up an "adult content" page that would reqire uses to click and confirm that they are at least 18 y.o. but I think it would be another unnecessary step and again any internet exposure should be supervised by an adult. And the reason I didn't list Crider in the post is the fact that Crider has always shown us who he is and that hasn't changed. He didn't have an opponent and didn't have to make campaign promises like Gibson, Hale and Johnson who all have broken the pledges they made when they were at the debate at the voting center and that's why I didn't focus on Crider. Hope that answered your questions.

  2. Changed my mind and removed the previous picture. . . Didn't want to keep answering the same question.

  3. It's obvious that this post is either about Rebecca Hale or directed towards Rebecca Hale, which is it. Also, why didn't you just call her out for being a racist, ain't that what you normally do?

    1. I didn't call any names, but if the shoe fits then wear the mo-fo. Contrary to what you think, I don't label everyone a racist. FYI. . people who are disenfranchised have more trouble getting things done than people who are not. That's just a fact. When people don't know what to call someone or how to label a situation, they immediately throw out the term racist in hope of defining that person or that particular situation. Do I think Rebecca is a racist? No. Do I think she's weak-willed? Yes.

  4. Nothing feels wors than somebody saying something about you that is absolutely untrue. When you told me about the person that had told a friend that she wished someone would do something bad to you because no one in Lumberton would care, I wept. I remained strong for you but I wept. I've seen the hate letters that you received from this so-called Christian community, I was there to help you scrub the egg-yolks off your car, I've read the hat filled e-mails and posts that you refused to post and then to have someone question you and ask you how would you feel is someone said those type of things towards someone you loved. Well, they have said those type of things and worse about you and those you love, but you still press forward. I consider you a friend and I want to let you know that a true friend won't let someone else talk about you in their presence. I know you said that this person seemed hurt by the things that were said, but I don't buy it. I would never let one friend demean another friend, period and I will correct them right at that moment. I'm praying for you and I pray that you guard your heart. I love you and I would care if something was to ever happen to you and I would tell that to any female dog that hands off the bone to someone else to leave in your yard.

  5. Well, Mr. Informer, you talk about forgiving Stephanie Mullings, but she apparently haven't forgiven you. Did you know that on Monday, she closed down the office to run off to Purvis and testify against you at the request of Dennis Hobson? And she left two police officers in charge and since Martin and Cowart (pronounced Coward) were working the office, they didn't provide an escort for the funeral procession that Monday. Ooooh, and Daniel wasn't at work, so I wonder who's leaking this info? Now, will you return to posting about how she's stealing from the City of Lumberton.

    1. The day you're talking about is the exact same day that I went to the office to pay the water bill and Stephanie was working the drive-thru window so I think you might be mistaken. I don't know if they left later in the day or not, but if she was in court testifying against someone, it wasn't me. As for the police escorting a funeral procession, and I'm not here to speak for the police department, but since most of the police officers are not from Lumberton they don't know if a funeral is taking place unless you call them and request a police escort for the family procession. And it would be wise to ask in advance and not wait until the day of the funeral if a police escort is needed. If you have something to say about Stephanie, then you need to say it to her, don't try and use this page as an avenue to throw your rocks and hide your hands.

  6. I wish they would just ban you from the library. I guess you know by now why she made sure that you didn't get hired once Amber left for greener pastures. I tried to tell you about her once before, but I hope you know now that she does not care about you and I get so tired of her ranting about what was said by people at the baord meeting, but turn around the next day and smile in their faces. She's the epitiome of messy, why do you think she's so close with Becky? Get a clue b/c she's just playing you and you don't even know it.

    1. Well, get in line. . I guess that's why Amber gave me a copy of the library rules. . she wanted me to know of the violations in case I was being targeted for banishment. Also, I can't choose a person's friends and I can't make a person like me. It is what it is, but I will say that I am genuine with how I feel towards a person and I don't hide it. I'm not like others, I don't say one thing to a person's face and another behind their back and if a person has a problem with honesty, then that's their boggle. I have been nothing but a friend but I'm my response is my responsibility, emphasis on my. I guess she's in a bad spot, but the problem occurs when you allow friendship with others to cloud your judgement. I have friends that don't get along with one another, but I'm not going to allow them to talk about each other in my presence. The other things you noted couldn't be nothing more than conjecture, but I truly belive that the true nature of a person has a way of surfacing and it seems that you have a problem with both of us, for whatever reason. If you are who I think you are, then you know how to contact me and it there's something you want to say, then give me a call. I can't be accountalbe for someone else's actions; I'm only accountable for my own. And I feel that my hands are clean. I have never tried to hinder this person in any way and it is my hope that she could say the same. If not, then that's not my burden to carry.

  7. if u look up racist nigger u will find j g fat gueer mf pitcher

  8. Much of the above rant on moral turpitude is actually taken nearly verbatim from the Showtime TV show "Boss" Season 1 Episode 3, called "Swallow". "Boss" is extremely well written and the scene where Mayor Kane delivers the moral turpitude dress-down to the sitting governor of Illinois is quite memorable. But using the "Boss" script in the Lumberton Informer without attribution shows a lack of, well, moral turpitude.


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