Case Dismissed

The tenants of Frank Lee Homes had their day in court today. Judge Anderson did not want to place the blame on any of the parties involved, but he did assign Wayne Hale to serve court notices for the City of Lumberton. The tenants were given an opportunity to present their cases because they alleged that Constable Danny Edwards did not serve anyone with papers to attend court. Judge Anderson told them he didn't know who to believe, but he was willing to work with those involved to resolve the matter. After presenting their cases, the tenants were permitted to remain in their unit. The property manager wanted everyone involved evicted; despite the fact that the tenants had paid their rent and the allegations that the management of Frank Lee Homes is holding back payments in an effort to build a case against the tenants. Thankfully, Anderson saw through the smoke screen and gave the tenants that stilled owed rent, ten more days to pay their rent. Something strange is taking place at Frank Lee Homes and I don't know what it is, but I would like to say that I hope those involved realized the seriousness of the situation and will never allow themselves to be put in that type of prediciment again. I just want to go on record and say that I've gone to bat for you young ladies and I don't think I'm going to be with you if you have the SAME issue.. . again. However, I would like to offer my experience to anyone that's facing similar situations at Frank Lee Homes. Get in contact with me and I will help you go over your lease and fight the eviction process. The management of Frank Lee Homes said they're in the housing business and not the eviction business. .Well, I want to hold them to their word. Again, if you need my help with your case, please let me know because I have already gotten in contact with the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and SMLS (South Mississippi Legal Services) for assistance regarding the banned list and the legality of lock outs.


  1. well let us see you will not post this because you must be in the wrong like when you was parking wrong get a life fat boy and quit blameing others for your damn stupid shit and your ass needs to get some exercise

    1. I received a lot of flack about my decision NOT to allow this comment. I was told that I was being a hypocrite and some other not so choice words. Despite my stance regarding this comment, I decied to post it just to show the level of ignorance I sometimes deal with. You all know I know some people don't know the difference between reading and comprehension, and this person's comment is proof of what I'm saying. It is what it is.

  2. I just moderated a comment that was posted regarding this topic and since it was laddened with profanity, I decided discard the comment. Now, I'm not a prude and there are times when I use profanity. I'm not one that will try to turn a slip of the tongue into an act of Congress because I think it's sometimes necessary to use the word bitch just to get your point across. WTBS. The comment that wasn't published made me realize that there are people out there that were hoping that I was the one being evicted. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I wasn't on the list. I was there because those involved needed an advocate. I was a property manager and I know the loopholes managers use when trying to get a person evicted. The tenants that were being targeted didn't have the skill set needed to go up against half-truths. I was there because someone needed to be there when the property manager say it's in the lease, I could dispute the information by telling the judge that according to Section 3, Paragraph J, Item 2 of the lease, that is not true. Hopefully, these tenants won't find themselves in that situation again, but if they do, they will be there without my assistance. But if by chance you see me on the news again, just know that I will be there helping the young ladies that are being targeted for lease cancellation, not non-payment of rent. Had the comment been written by someone of at least average intelligence, it probably would have been publiished. Somehow this person thought by saying "I dare you to post this" would compel me to to post his/her profanity ladden comment. What are you, a third grader? The comment reminded me of those school yard fights when the kids would put a piece of something on the shoulders of the ones having the disagreement and then say the baddest one knock it off first. The terimity of these troglodytes.

  3. OAN: The person that made the comment was correct. .I do need to start exercising. . maybe he/she will bring their chain and collar and let me take them for a walk.


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