Who Gone Check Me Boo?
We’re in the midst of a Republican orchestrated governmental shut down. For some reason, they think this move would halt the Affordable Health Care Plan (aka Obama-Care) but it did not. Well, while millions in the nation are dealing with how this will affect them and their families, I find myself putting out another Lumberton Informer flame that has apparently been smoldering for quite some time. Some anonymous person sent me the following email: “You love to talk about having checks and balances in place but there’s system of checks and balances in place for the things you say on your blog.” The person posted this email on a blog post that was published in 2012; therefore, it would be highly unlikely for others to see this post. Now, let me get out my envelope so I can address the haters. In my Sheeree from RHOA (Real Housewives of Atlanta) voice……Who gone check me boo?
For the record, I don’t need a system of checks and balances in place for this blog. If the information I post is not correct, I am certain it would be noted by one of the trolls that is constantly monitoring my posts. For example, there was someone that tried to say I plagiarized a post based on an episode of Boss. They were so eager to try to call me out on what they assumed was a stolen story line while forgetting to realize that I said within the post that the content was inspired by an episode of Boss. Also, whenever my blog cost the City of Lumberton to have a deficit of over $500,000; then I would need to have checks and balances. When I fired honest police officers to replace them with a group of thugs with guns and board support; then I would need a system of checks and balances. When I make sure the people I’m having a threesome with is hired as Chief and deputy clerk, and then I would need a system of checks and balances. When I put an end to the LVFD because of a personal vendetta, then I would need a system of checks and balances. When I threaten to shut down the library and have them running scared; then I will need a system of checks and balances. As I stated, who gone check me boo?
The other day, I blogged about the manager of Frank Lee Homes and in less than 10 minutes, I was getting a text that he needed to talk to me because someone told him to read the blog. That’s my system of checks and balances. So, in the words of another RHOA, Miss. Kenya Moore, “don’t come for me unless I send for you.”
For those of you that are concerned, there will be a board meeting tonight at city hall. Also, Bass Pecan Company has reopened. However, it may be difficult to get there because the main artery to the city has been shut down due to work on the railroad crossing. You can still access the store by taking the detour. Also, I wonder if the sales at Ramey’s, Dollar General and Family Dollar decreased since the start of the rail work that was supposed to be completed last week? Just curious.
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