The Seeds of Hate. . Watch them Grow
The world is mourning the tragic loss of life that took place in Sandy Hook, CT. Soon after the tragedy, there was this rush to put prayer back in schools and the renewed call for gun control. In my opinion, neither will resolve the issue that led to this type of tragedy. This was not a school shooting, this was a shooting that took place at a school. I am a firm believer in prayer but there are those that will say “God bless the families affected by this senseless crime and with the same breath, make an statement that the President is to blame for this happening” (check out the posts on WLOX and WDAM facebook pages). Sad. It’s those seeds of hate that has germinated into the manifestation of what happened in Sandy Hook. We think nothing about posting hateful comments or spewing hate around other like minded individuals without taking into account of those left in our care are privy to those unfiltered, hateful thoughts actions. We can post anonymous hateful comments and think no one is affected while at the same time, masking our true character. Please know this, hate is not inherited. People may not always remember what you say but they will remember what you do. I do not think gun control is the answer. Regardless of the weapon, people will find a way to inflict hurt, pain and carnage; even if guns were outlawed. I believe in prayer but for those that are saying we took God out of our schools should be sending their children to school prayed up. So, in addition to having our teachers regulate the way the children dress, behave and learn; we also want them to serve as our children’s spiritual guide. It’s time out for us thinking it’s the schools responsibility to fully develop our children without instilling any values while they’re at home. They say God has been taken out of the schools. Well, in case you haven’t noticed, God has been taken out of many of the churches. There are so many pulpits that have become political arenas. Do you think God was pleased when a local pastor went to court to have one of the eldest members of his congregation banned? Do you think God was pleased when a pastor ranted from the pulpit, telling a congregant to leave because she dared to say the fellowship needed a Sunday School? I don’t think so! I have witnessed children smoking dope while waiting at the bus stop and if you told their parents, you would get cussed out by the parent and the child. So, prayer needs to be in the home in order to prepare the children for what may or may not take place at school. Hate is a powerful tool and it is used in many ways. The next time you decide to say or do something hateful, remember to watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Regular posting will resume on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.
I agree with you we all need to do better raising our kids. Hate is a powerful force to deal with....but we must continue to try. I disagree with you saying " I do not think gun control is the answer" I think a ban on "assault weapons" will help slow down the killing of so many people...mainly our kids!