He Said. . .She Said: The Lumberton Edition

Many of you read the "Recap of the June 5, 2012 Board Meeting" post where I made some disparing remarks about one of the persons that read (drives the truck) water meters. Somehow, everyone that had a loved one on the meter truck felt attacked. So, let me give you the break down of what happened and what I posted because it's obvious there is a real issue with reading and comprehension. I posted the following: ". . .for the most part, the Lumberton Public Works Department has an uneducated staff. . .The board need to stop their bickering and hire one meter reader to read the meters. . they should pay them somewhere between .50-.75/meter and make sure they can pass a 6th grade math test. . .City hall keeps losing money in the water department because they had to hire a reading rider because the clerks got tired of giving Roy turn by turn directions . ." That's part of what I said. .the rest is in the blog. . Now, this is the response from the wife of one of...