3-2 Voting Block, Here We Go Again

I just left City Hall and I was appalled by the lack of concern those aldermen had for the safety and well-being of our city. Last week I asked What the Hale Is Wrong With Rebecca? But tonight, I wonder what the HELL is wrong with those elected to serve the public interest of our city. Rebecca set aside her personal differences, and was willing to vote to hire Daniel Wilczek as a new police officer, but the three black aldermen (Bobby Gibson, Timothy Johnson, and Quincy Rogers) did not vote to hire an additonal officer because they felt that the meeting was out of control and it was not "descent and in order." As far as I know, Mayor Miriam Holder is the only elected official in Lumberton that has a set of office hours designated to speak with the public. Alderman Johnson and Alderman Gibson was tired of the outbursts from the audience, and didn't want to hear comments from the voting public. Regardless of what I was feeling about the comments that were coming from the audience, I beleive that those that are serving as elected officials are there to do what is best for the City of Lumberton. Unfortunately, those serving have allowed personal agendas and professional affiliations cloud their judegement. I felt that there was going to be an issue regarding the hiring of Daniel as a full-time certified officer, which is why I requested a copy of the salaries of all police officers last week. On the 12 hour shift, we have officers making anywhere between $800-$1,200 dollars a week. By hiring an additional officer, the police department would be able to go back to 8 hour shifts, and stop the excessive pay that is being handed out with the 12 hour shift. I don't know what it's going to take for this city to move ahead, but we are in for the long haul if this type of behavior continues. When I left the building, they were going into executive session. I think they are trying to get another code enforcement officer. I will find out more in the morning. For now, I hope they decide to check their egos at the door and do what they know is best for this city. They are making decisions that will affect the lives of everyone in this city.
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