Birds of a Feather. . .Flock Together

Last night, on WDAM, it was reported that Lamar County Supervisor, Ben Winston was cited for the large number of trailers that are located at the entrance to the City of Lumberton, and low and behold we were also graced with a snippet from former mayor, Aaron Lott. As you can see from the photo, these two have been dealing with each other for quite sometime. I don't know if you all remember the NeighborWorks America Project in 2007 that never came to fruition for the City of Lumberton, but our Supervisor, Ben Winston and others were there representing our city, but no one on the board had any knowledge of what was taking place.
Fast forward to 2010, and we are in the dark again when it comes to Ben Winston and Aaron Lott. On the news, Ben Winston stated that he came to the board prior to leasing the property to have it zoned for heavy manufacturing. As an elected official, Ben Winston is fully aware of proper protocol. The board does not grant zoning changes without a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Committee. Since my mother is the Chairperson for the Planning and Zoning Committee, I know that no request has been presented to the Planning Committee for any zoning changes.
Also, if Ben Winston was so certain that what he is doing is best for the city, then why did he go to such drastic measures to hid the fact that he was the land owner? Winston and Lott stated that the trailers has provided the biggest economic boom for the City of Lumberton. I would like to know what jobs has been created for residents of Lumberton? Who, other than his friends, family, and associates are benefiting from these trailers? and when did they get a privilege license to sell those trailers?
The news story has left me with more questions than answers. I know that when I was on the Lumberton Planning and Zoning Committee, Ben Winston came to us to have the new industrial park zoned for heavy manufacturing. He knew then to come to the planning committee, why would he try to usurp their authority on this matter?
There are a lot of things going on that are not "descent and in order." I just wonder if Ben Winston think his actions are worth risking his integrity as a minister, a business man, a resident of Lumberton, and as the Lamar County Supervisor for District 2?
Since Lott and Winston stated that their business dealings have added to the economic growth of this city, I am going to city hall to get a copy of our tax revenue records for the last 4 months, and I will also get a copy of the tax revenue records for this same time period from the last two years. I know we had a boost from Ramey's, since their taxes were being sent to Hattiesburg instead of Lumberton, but I will see if we actually had an economic boost from these trailers. You know I will keep you posted on the results.
Someone has to ask the tough questions and for that kudos to you, Mr. Griffith! It will be interesting to see how much benefit to the city can be inferred from a comparison of the tax revenue records. As you mentioned in a previous post there are three sides to a story. Does the fact that Ben Winston did not broadcast his ownership really mean he was hiding it? The organization of a INC (as in Express Unlimited INC) is to remove individual liability(to a certain extent) from corporate situations. It'll be interesting to see how this all pans out. I know Ben Winston as well as you do. But I cannot see him purposely violating the "letter of the law" as "a minister, a business man, a resident of Lumberton, and as the Lamar County Supervisor for District 2". But plenty of people have known "Uncle Ben" longer than I and could answer that question better. The "spirit of the law" is open to interpretation and thats another matter that will be shown over time. Now the City of Lumberton has removed its attorney?..hmmm..I hope they didn't just poop and step in it. Timing is everything and time will show whether or to deify or crucify Mr.Winston. Lets see those tax rolls! On ending I have to give you props for opening this forum. You put yourself out there and call it like you see it. I went all the way back to the start of your posts and enjoyed reading! I commend you for not being afraid to admit misjudgments and issuing new statements on your part. Keep it up.
ReplyDeleteThanks Nigel, for the encouraging words. I appreciate the fact that you have the ability to distinguish between what is being said, and how I feel. I am, by no means, trying to be the judge and jury for the City of Lumberton. People read what I say, and they have the tendency to take it personally. I welcome all responses, and if I made an error in what comments I make, I am more than happy to correct them. In order to get a full understanding of this blog, people need to read it in its entirety. I am not attacking anyone on a personal level, I am just holding them accountable as elected officials. I do not have any angst against Ben Winston, Quincy Rogers, Kent Crider, Rebecca Hale, Timothy Johnson, Bobby Gibson or Mayor Holder. I beleive that as elected officials they should know, grow and show. Just as Fredrick Douglass stated, "Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."