Criminal Mind

Joseph Conrad stated that "the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." The trial in the death of Lumberton native, Kewaii Rogers, has started. According to reports, the accused killer, Donnell Buckner, has reached an agreement with prosecutors that removed the option of the death penalty from the table. So, his fate will be decided by Luzerne County Judge Tina Polachek Gartley - not a jury. Under the arrangement, Buckner faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison if Gartley convicts him of a premeditated, first-degree homicide and up to 40 years in prison if the judge deems the killing a third-degree homicide. I know this plea agreement has spared Kewaii's family the agony of years paperwork, testimonyand appeals, but is this really justice for Kewaii?


  1. In my humble opinion, life in prison could be worse than the death sentence. Convicts are likely to be raped, stabbed and even killed when they least expect it.

  2. I never thought of it that way. So true Desonta.

  3. I don't know john that was my lovely cousin that had a smile on her face every time you saw her and seeing this picture makes me thank he has no remorse and that bothers me. I just wish they would go on and decide so my family can get some closure and we can remember keke the way she was. RIP KEWAII WE MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU DEARLY.


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