Can A Brother Get A Cut?

More than any other place, however, the barbershop is the black man's way station, point of contact, and universal home. Here he always finds a welcome--a friendly audience as he tells his story and a native to give him the word on local doings."
--Trudier Harris, "The Barbershop in Black Literature," 1979.

If you're a Black male, chances are you frequent a Black-owned barbershop to get a tight haircut every other week, or, for high-maintenance Brothas like myself, every week. The barbershop is the Black man's home away from home. I love the barbershop experience. Rodney McLemore cut my hair for over 10 years, and I still feel that he has the best clipper skills around. But there is something about being in a barber shop.

Well, Tina Holder is the answer to our prayers, she will have a barber shop in her hair salon. She is proving to be a very savvy business woman. We haven't seen this type of entrepreneurial spirit since the passing of Bertha Toney-Williams of Golden Shears Beauty Salon. Tina hosted a Customer Appreciation Day this weekend and I looked around at her barber stations, and I saw business cards for one barber, and his name is Brandon Gill (601-916-7240). He stated that his only limitation is your imagination. I love the barber shop experience, and I am glad that there is a air-conditioned location where I cana haircut.


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