Curfew Ordinance Enforced

The City of Lumberton will be enforcing the city's curfew ordiance. During the summer, there is an increase in juevnile crime/vandalism and it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that their child is not roaming the street past curfew hours. For those that don't know the defination of a child it is anyone that is under the age of 18. So, if you have a youthful appearance, or is found with a group of minors, do not be surprised when the police ask for your identification. If you want a copy of Lumberton's curfew ordinance, they are available at City Hall. Don't wait until your child is picked up by the police to become familiar with the curfew ordinance, and don't bring your whole family to the board meeting trying to get the police officer fired; they are doing their jobs. Remember that ignorance of the law is not a defense.
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