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Last week, I promised to disclose some information I received while attending the Board of Aldermen meeting. Before I entered the doors of city hall, I knew Kent Crider had something he wanted to discuss because he's never early to a meeting and he was the first one to arrive at this particular meeting. I started looking into the matter and then I thought about what was said. So, I don't know if posting about this matter would hurt/help the City of Lumberton. Since I don't operate in ignorance, like many of our elected officials, I decided to let the matter rest and hopefully it would come to fruition. Unlike our aldermen, I don't allow personal agendas to cloud my thinking. Putting this information out into cyberspace could mean the loss of revenue for the City of Lumberton and everyone knows that we need all the revenue we can get. I will keep you posted on the matter if necessary, but for now, I will wait and see what develops from this venture. FYI: If Kent Crider don't want other's to hear his remarks about certain issues, he should learn to use his indoor voice.

OAN: The price of gas is continuing to rise and at the last board meeting, it was revealed that the City of Lumberton spent $7,000 on fuel last month. For some reason, this didn't seem to bother our aldermen, but I am certain that the rising gas prices will catch their attention sooner or later.


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