Collateral Damage
It’s one thing when you’re blogging and you don’t come into contact with the people you blog about; but it’s a totally different ball game when you are required to interact with those individuals. I stand behind the things I say and I have no intention of turning back now. It is my belief that my blog mirrors what takes place at city hall. I had a person ask me did I take into consideration that my posting may hurt some people, including their families; individuals that may not have anything to do with what’s going on at city hall and my response to that matter is an emphatic NO. I don’t think Stephanie and I will ever be able to sit and reason with one another because I don’t feel that she has the integrity to be truthful about her actions. At one point, I was willing to stop posting about our city clerk and I had gotten to the point that I was deleting many of the negative comments that were posted about her and then all these reports began filling my inbox. I have received some information, as well as photos, that would be rather embarrassing to her as well as her family, but I made a choice not to post the information because I thought we had genuinely moved forward. I have come to realize that I must take some time before I sit down and blog because I am aware that I have the ability to cut individuals deep with the use of my words and I must realize that there could be some collateral damage that result from the things I say. However, with that being said, it is never appropriate for anyone, including an officer of the law (well let me change that . . . especially an officer of the law) to approach you and levy threats. I am certain that Hobson has abused his authority before and I am certain that he will abuse his authority again.
I attended today’s meeting, hoping I would get some answers regarding the fact that a cash-strapped city such as Lumberton decided that they would reward an officer that should be removed from the payroll of this city with a take home vehicle. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the answer I was seeking. I truly believe that there were aldermen and women that instructed the Chief of their desire to allow Hobson to take home a patrol car. But, they will never admit that they had anything to do with this matter. Whenever I blog, I don’t sit down and brainstorm before publishing the post. Whatever I’m thinking about is what appears in the posts and it has come to my attention that there are some that think I am upset with the Chief. For the record, I am not angry with our chief and I still feel that he is a man of integrity and I would hate to be in his position. I attend the board meetings and I am aware of the hindrances that have kept him from doing his job.
The chief is the only department head that is being restrained from doing his job. When Danny Davis was a department head, he could ask for anything and it would be done and the same could also be said of the city clerk, the other department head, but when it comes to the police department it’s another story. For instance. . when Danny wanted to get rid of an employee that had worked for the City of Lumberton for over a decade, his request was granted. When our city clerk wanted to get rid of deputy clerk, Betty Speights, and court clerk, Melissa Pack, her wish was granted. But whenever the Chief of Police presents anything to the board, its shot down. I must admit that I was angry when I learned that Hobson had been allowed to take home a patrol car, but by the time I calmed down, I already blogged about the matter. I realize that I like to sit back and say what I would have done if. . but I realize that the chief has a wife, and a family that he supports and it’s not logical for him to just walk away from a job. In reality, I don’t know many people that would walk away from a job; especially in today’s economy. But since I attend the board meetings, I have an idea of what obstacles that stand before our chief and with all I think I know; I know that it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
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