Inside Man or Woman
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about where do I get my info for this blog. In case you didn’t know, most of this information is public records. The word around town is that I’ve been getting my information from Rob “New York” Mitchell, and that is not the truth. It has been said that he’s been banned from hanging around the police department because he’s been giving me inside information. Well, first of all, I didn’t know he was a regular fixture at the police department and if he was banned from hanging out at the police station, it probably stems from his relationship with Dennis Hobson not because he’s feeding me information; which he is not. Since so many are curious about how I receive my tips, I’m going to describe my sources. The person or persons that give me information is black, white, or Hispanic; they drive a motorcycle, car, truck or van; they live in a house, mobile home or apartment; they are employed, unemployed, disabled, on TANF and/or SSI; they are students, teachers, drop-outs, or college graduates; they are single, married, divorced or widowed; they either live in Lumberton or outside of Lumberton. I think you’re getting the point. I have a variety of people that provide me with info; I don’t know most of the people that give me insight about the various things that are taking place in the city. On any given day, I receive several e-mail notices at and they range from people telling me that they saw Bobby Gibson and Dennis Hobson holding a conversation with Olen Bounds at his place of business to someone telling me the dates and time that Roy Easley is parked behind the building at Wood Hinton Park taking a nap. Despite what others may say. . people are watching and they are taking note. Some of you may notice that I added the display from my Feedjit program on the right hand side of the Lumberton Informer. It shows a timeline of the people that visit the Lumberton Informer. I had this program for quite some time, but since it was being said that no one reads this blog, I decided to share a link to the program that provides me with a report every week regarding the activity of this blog. At some point, I will remove the feed, but I wanted to you see what I see.
Lately, my posts have been rather lengthy, but now that a witness has come forward regarding my interaction with Hobson, I feel that I can finally get some resolution regarding the incident. The witness was at the drive thru window at Bancorp South; the witness said that they didn’t hear what Hobson was saying, but they saw him and noticed his defensive posture. The witness also suggested that I get a copy of the surveillance tape from the bank’s ATM since it may have captured the incident on tape. So, hopefully, whenever this investigation gets underway, I will definitely pass on this information to the one’s conducting the investigation.
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