Who Said It?
I just saw the listing of the MTV movie award nominees and thought I would have a tongue in cheek post about some things that were said around the City of Lumberton. For those of you that went to see the movie Django, this post is for you. The quotes are going to be posted in Southern dialect, but I need you to guess if this quote was made by an elected/appointed Lumberton city official or if the comment was made by Stephen in Django. Disclaimer: These are not exact quotes and some parts may have been embellised for emphasis but the general idea is the same.
Quote 1: I'se want you to know that my best friend and business partner is a Lamar County Supervisor and it's time to vote on your funding. I'se want to know if you can block his page.
Quote 2: We finally got their [black a**es] (The part in the brackets is implied.)
Quote 3: If'n you don't get your black a**es off city property, I'mmma call the Lamar County Sheriff's office and have you arrested.
Quote 4: He's think he's gonna get the job but I'se ain't even give em his application.
Quote 5: Oh, sweet Jesus, just let me kill this mother******.
Quote 6: Your authority is what we allow you. We make the decisions and you are to carry out what we say.
Quote 7: You're out of order. You work at the pleasure of the board . .. and I want him put out of the board room. . says expletive. . turns red. . throws papers. . .silver foxes on the front row duck to avoid getting hit. . exits building. .calls Hoboson. .lies in court. . .under oath.
Answers: Quote 1 was made by Bobby Gibson when he went to the library to try to have me banned for creating the Lumberton Informer blog. He allegedly threatened to pull strings to have their funding cut. I was told of this incident by a foe (Rebecca Hale) instead of a friend. However, the library group circled their wagons and buckled under the pressure and said they were not threatened.
Quote 2 was make by embattled city clerk, Stephanie C. Mullings after coming out of executive session. The board had just terminated Officers Fortenberry and Franklin. The board did not want to explain why these officers were paying for insurance but had no coverage, so in order to cover up the matter, the terminated those that refuse to go with the flow.
Quote 3: Shortly after being terminted, Alderman Kent Crider allegedly made this statement to either Officer Cassandra Fortenberry-Lumpkins or Franklin.
Quote 4: Another quote allegedly made by Stephanie C. Mullings after I came to the office to find out about the hiring process. She denied making the statement but when confronted by the person that heard the statement, she just released a few crocodile tears and denied saying it. I know the city clerk job didn't work out, but this girl should pursue an acting career. She's good.
Quote 5: Now this is a tricky one. This is a quote by Stephen, but I can imagine it was something that was probably uttered by Mullings, Hobson, Gibson, Crider and even Johnson.
Quote 6: This is the quote made by Timothy Johnson during the video posted on YouTube where he was challenging Mayor Holder and questioning her duties/responsibilities.
Quote 7: This is another quote made by Alderman Kent Crider. The time when he allegedly threatened Mr. Holder but somehow forgot that when he went to court. It was also the case where Hobson, Mullings, Byrd testifed that they heard Mr. Holder tell Crider to meet him outside. It was a monumental case in that fact that it was acknowledged that both sides met the burden off proof, but only Mr. Holder was found guilty.
Hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Will resume with more serious posts on the morrow. To paraphrase the words of Calvin Candie, I had your curosity but now I have your attention. If I must say so myself, I am a rambunctious sort, ain't I!
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