Wonderfully Optimistic
I wanted to try something different with the blog and decided to change the format a bit. This week, I interacted with someone and I was in awe of how she spoke and represented what is good about the City of Lumberton. I have had the pleasure of knowing her for quite some time and there was one time when we had a public disagreement (well, it was via Facebook and the blog but public nonetheless). There are those that say I have tunnel vision but to that I say phoey. If I'm wrong, I am more than willing to say I was wrong. But don't try to categorize me because I don't support your team. I have and always will call a thing a thing and if your feelings get hurt in the process, then do be it. Now, this post was not supposed to be about me, but it was to be about a person that inspired me this week and I know she has inspired countless others.
This person is a fighter. She will not give up on you and all she asks is that you do not give up on her. She knows the difference between being a woman and being a female. She's a sister, wife, mother, sister, activist, and friend. I don't think she know the meaning of the word no. In the time I've know her, she has been knocked down but the fight in her will not allow her to remain down. Despite the tremendous obstacles she's faced, she has not allowed the injustices of life taint her view. She remains ever vigilant, bright eyed and busy-tailed. She's wonderfully optimistic and I think that, in itself, is refreshing. Even in the midst of adversity, she is able to offer kind words of encourgement to others.
As a woman,she takes responsibility for the time she takes up and the space she occupies. The following are taken from a poem written by Dr. Maya Angelou, but I think they are befitting for this individual: "She declares she wants to see more smiles in the family, more courtesies between men and women, more honesty in the marketplace. She is the prayer of every woman and man who longs for fair play, healthy families, good schools, and a balanced economy." She will rise. "Don't give up on [Rachel Jefferson]. In fact, if you help her to rise, you will rise with her and help her make this city the wonderful, wonderful place where every man and every woman can live freely without sanctimonious piety."
The person of the week is Rachel Jefferson. She is currenlty planning Lumberton's First Annual Easter Parade for Saturday, March 23, 2013. Please help Rachel make this event a great success. Thank you Rachel for your willingness to let your color burst. You are truly an asset to the city and we are all the better for knowing you. Please continue to let your lamp shine and never let others cause it to dim.
Rachel was once my neighbor, and always a friend. She graciously extented her heart and sometimes her kitchen (smile) to me. I remember her and her family being what was great about Wood St and Lumberton as a whole. Thank you Rachel for being my friend! Love, Lyle.