My Advice to Chief Fortenberry

I haven't spoken much about Chief Fortenberry, but I think now is the time. Personally, I think Chief Fortenberry is doing a great job. But I also think the chief is too amenable (agreeable) when dealing with members of the board. I wish he would stop telling the board that if they want to fire him they can do so because it is my feeling that some on the board want to fire him anyway. Also, when dealing with the budgetary issues of his department, the chief needs to tell the board members that "I felt it was decision that needed to be made, and I stand by decision damn it!" Some members of the board want the chief to do his job and the job of three others. They want him to do the administrative work of his department, patrol the city, be accessible to the public, file paper work for grants, make work schedules, write tickets, collect fines, attend the board meetings, pick up the garbage and read a few water meters while making a set salary, while other officers are raking in the bucks because the board does not want to hire another officer. Well, if I were the chief, I would let Officer Franklin take over as Chief so I could start working some of those 12 hour shifts. In accordance to the law, section 45-5-9, the mayor has the authority to appoint an officer if there is enough evidence to show that there is a need for an additional officer. My advice to the chief would be to add Daniel Wilczek to the schedule, and let him sue the aldermen for not approving his pay.


  1. Wow! Mr. J!!
    Man you have been on point lately!


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