Yesterday, I had to take someone to the Disability Review Office because she was having a hearing to appeal the decision made about her disability case. (I omitted her name to protect the guilty.) Well, while there she was told about her case and they suggested that she make an appointment with Pine Belt because she needed a mental evaluation. She just went to pieces, she started to crying, snot was running down the side of her face, she was yelling that "People are going to think I'm crazy" and so on and so on. It was then that I was glad that I was not the judge because I would have dismissed her case immediately if not sooner. You mean to tell me that you have reached the age of 43 and you don't know what SSI is for. I know that there are people that are receiving SSI checks that actually need the check, and I know that there are people that receive SSI as a supplement to their social security checks because their social security checks do not meet their basic needs. But if you have seen the things I have seen, you will see SSI recipients living large and in charge; they have multiple babies( personally, I believe that once you are approved for SSI your reproductive organs should be removed right before the first check is dispensed; I'm certain this would cause a drastic reduction in the number of applications), chrome rims, plasma televisions,wearing more Sean John than Diddy and selling more dope than a Jamacian.(sorry for the stereotype)
I wanted to tell her that although the government has defined SSI as Supplemental Security Income, I feel that SSI is for the Simple, Stupid and Ignorant. Most people receiving SSI falls into one or more of those categories. If I have offended anyone receiving SSI then you should go out, get a job, and then tell me about how I offended you once you contributed to the system by paying FICA, state, and federal taxes like the rest of society that go to work (not the mail box) for a living.


  1. Great post on SSI. I always just thought it was for the elderly who actually missed the boat when it come to paying in adequate Social Security Taxes.

  2. Preach it Brother!


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