Jumping The Gun

Yesterday, there was a notice published for a Special Called Meeting. The notice stated that it was to deal with personnel issues in the police department. Naturally, I began to wonder about the personnel issue they wanted to address. The regularly scheduled meeting is less than a week away, why are they in such a rush to take action against something or someone in the police department? Are they trying to terminate another officer? Did they realize that the deadline for their response to the EEOC charge was Monday, September 27, 2010. At this point, I really don't know what is going on in the minds of our elected officials, namely Johnson, Gibson and Crider. I am certain they are not attempting to terminate Captain Franklin before the conclusion of a State investigation. Wait a minute. . .I almost forgot where I was living. Of course Lumberton's elected officals would jump the gun and vote to terminate an officer before receiving a report on the progress of the investig...