What Were You Saying?
I have been blogging for over a year and there are certain things that have become clear to me. The success of a blog isn’t always thanks to the good/positive comments and polite following, but also due to the more controversial comments. With the vast amount of blogs now available, many of which are really good, there is a huge competition for readers. Research shows that visitors tend to stick to reading their list of two to three favorite blogs, which means the chances of them finding your blog is kind of slim. That’s why it’s so important to stay focused and transparent in your way of running and developing your blog.
The single most common behavior when receiving a bad, rude or impolite comment is to delete it. However, this could potentially, if not most certainly, scare away a lot of your readers due to the censorship your blog practices. In a way, we all want to keep our blogs positive and inspirational, but always remember that a rude comment could boost inspiration just as much as a polite one.
However, there is of course a difference between rude, impolite and negative commenting and trolling, spamming and being downright cruel and ignorant. Whether you want to keep those comments is entirely up to you. It’s up to you to set the standard for your own blog and what you will allow.
So, rather than trying to push people towards being polite and always cheering you on, I am trying to be transparent in my presence and deliberately considering both sides of the debate. My neutrality is what will cause people to come back as they will find that my blog doesn’t promote censorship of negative commenting and only allow the positive. I have learned that rude commenting is a huge factor in the popularity of a blog and will act as an awakening of my community and readers.
I am aware that there are two types of individuals that like to leave annonymous comments. There are those that have valid points and useful information, but they don't want to deal with the retailation of what others may have to say about what they said. So, they choose to post an annonymous comment. Then we have those that are the cowards. Those that like to make baseless, hurtful, comments that the would not be willing to do if they were face to face with that indivudual. So they use the annonymous feature to hide because they are generally spinless, loathful individuals. Somehow, I have been accused of wanting to know the names of those posting comments b/c I am nosey. I could care less who post a comment if the information is relevant. Those that want to be know will reveal them selves, and those that want to hid and those that are just cowards will also do the same. Whatever your reason for leaving an annonymous comment is your reason. I have opened the format for all comments to be posted, because I want to get a real view of what people think about what's going on in Lumberton without feeling like they are being censored.