Shingles or Sham

I don't know how true it is, but it seems that we have a city employee that is battling a case of shingles. I'm not a medical professional, but that seems to be a not so crafty attempt to avoid the inquistion. . .oops. . investigation. From what I learned, shingles is a pretty painful, blistering rash that generally could take weeks to heal. Generally,individuals with severe cases of this ailment may need a prescription for either Percocet or Loratab for pain management. However, this will leave the person confined to the home because, as we know, one definately should not be driving or attending school function under the influnence of a sedative. So, what I guess I'm trying to say is this. . if a person cannot attend work, they definately cannot attend other functions; if they're in that much pain. WTBS. I hope all is well because I want her to be aware and cognizant of what's taking place and we definatley don't need an illness delaying the investigative process. For the moment, this will be my last post about our embattled city clerk. I like the people I reference in this blog to be up and about. Now, to today's blog post. For years, Mayor Miriam Holder and Alderman Quincy Rogers asked for a system of checks and balances at city hall. Alderman Rogers submitted Willie Sims, CPA and everytime his name was submitted, the motion failed for a lack of a second. Wait. . wait. . one time there was a discussion that Sims was too expensive and Timothy Johnson said he would find other, qualified individuals that could do the work, but for a lower price. Well, I guess that suggestion was thrown into the things to do pile; along with the free water bill investigation. They say hindsight is 20/20, and Gibson, Hale, Johnson and Crider felt that hiring another person to make sure the city's finances were in order was too costly. But it seems that not having an accurate account of what's in the city's coiffers is costing way more that the fees of not knowing years ago. Since the board was not willing to investigate the financial ledgers, citizens were left to speculate on the reasoning behind their apathy. There are some that say, the board, (Gibson, Johnson and Crider) allowed Stephanie to go unchecked in exchange for her allegedly bending the law in their favor. For the majority of their term, they (Gibson, Crider, Johnson)have been so tenacious about brining down Mayor Holder that they did not care that city hall was/is fiscally crumbling right beneath their feet. Gibson, Johnson, and Crider were approving unnecessary training, while other clerks were left untrained. They spent an exhaustive amount of funds hiring clerk after clerk, and with all the money they wasted on clerks, they could have at least purchased one or two new Dodge Chargers for the Lumberton Police Department, but as we all know, they are not there to serve the citizens, they are there to serve themselves. The investigation is still pending, and I, like many of you, will eagely await the results. One thing for certain, this board will have to deal with this issue before the election this summer. They have dragged their feet long enough. I bet they're wishing they would have done something earlier instead of waiting so close to the election season. At this point, Gibson, Johnson (not sure if he's seeking re-election) and Crider will jack-hammer the final nail in their political coffins if they foul this one up. I don't know what Stephanie has on them, but I know this, she was not able to pull off this type of hustle on her own. So what ever comes to the surface during this investigation should be interesting. Also, if the investigation is not in her favor, you can bet your bottom dollar that she's gonna throw more dirt than a grave digger. So, Gibson, Johnson, Crider and whatever Tom, Dick and/or Harry at BBI that also assisted her in the allegded coverup will go down with her. You all remember how she was doing everything Hobson asked of her; she ever got his girlfriend hired on as a clerk. But as soon as the tide shifted, she was throwing up all the dirt she held back about her buddy. Please keep in mind, Hobson was, as she said, "like a brother to her", but as soon as things got rough, she threw him under the bus quicker than you could fake an illness (pun intended). I know I have said some things that might be considered rude and/or offensive. There may be some elected officials that don't like what I have to say, but one thing for certain, before the next election, we will know where Bobby Gibson, Kent Crider and Timothy Johnson stands in regards to this city. We will know once and for all if they are concerned about the financial integrity of city hall or if they're figuratively, in bed with the city clerk. I don't have the records they have, but I have spoken to at least 3 people who have paid tickets and fines and there was no record of them paying; despite the persons having signed receipts. Keep in mind, this was over $1,000 in fines that are not accounted for. Just a reminder, Gibson, Johnson and Crider, eagerly terminated the employment of a Lumberton resident for allegedly waiving a $10 late fee but they're seeming stuck on making a decision about something that's allegedly grand larceny (over $500). I will keep you posted on how this tragedy plays out and I will keep you posted on how they vote when this matter comes before the board again. The revolution may not be televised, but their voting record will be posted.


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