Mardi Gras Ball 2014?

I'm sure most of you are familar with the proverb: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, today, I was invited to be a part of the Hattiesburg 2014 Mardi Parade Committee. They are already in plans for next year's parade. When I received the email, I remembered a citizen of Lumberton that pitched the idea of having a Mardi Gras parade in Lumberton. I don't know if those plans have taken off, but I would like to take a break from regular posting and see if I could encourage Rachel Jefferson to pursue her plans. She might not be able to organize a parade for next year, but I was thinking she might want to have a Mardi Gras Ball. Maybe a semiformal event at the Lumberton Community Center. We could have a small processional with people throwing out beads, cups and other Mardi Gras prizes. I also thought there could be a small buffet style meal and people could pay an admission fee and the funds raised for the event could go to the Diane Bennett Memorial Fund. Also,...