Bring Her Back. . .Temporarily
It's time for the City of Lumberton to put on their big girl panties, and make that call. They need to bring back JoAnn Ladner to help bring back some order to the clerk's office. She does not need to be back on a permanent basis. I think 6 months would suffice. I truly do not think this board should be making a decision about who will serve as the city clerk. For instance, they have allowed other clerks to go untrained and/or uncertified and that's part of the reason why we're in this mess now. It's unacceptable that someone would work in an office for 8 years and not know the day to day operations of what takes place in said office. Again, that's unacceptable. It's also unacceptable to have a board that allowed the allegations of embezzlement go on for years without taking any action. What were they afraid of? Why did they drag their feet for so long? Were they in the pot as well? It's strange that Bobby Gibson and Kent Crider showed us who they are for 3 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 3 days but now that we're about to have another election in a few months, they're trying to show they're not what they've shown us over the last few years. Well, to that I say bull (cough)! And in case your're wondering why I left out Johnson, well, he's determined to show he a donkey and really don't care about the city or it's citizens until the very end. Kudos to Johnson for being a waste of a perfectly shaved vagina.
At the last board meeting, Bobby Gibson displayed the traits of the person I voted for but I think it's a case of too little too late. However, the current list of those running for alderman at large, leaves much to be desired. (Will post about that a little later.) But since Gibson is in such an apologetic mood, I would like to know when will I get an apology from Gibson on behalf of the City of Lumberton? If memory serves me correctly, it was Gibson, Johnson, Crider and Hale that gave Hobson/Mullings all the authority they needed to harass me. I feel if you're going to apologize to an person that was told they would be arrested, then I think I deserve an apology as well, since the actions taken against me were mandated by you and your fellow elected officials. And while we're handing out apologies, has any of you guys apologized to Betty Speights? What about an apology to C. Fortenberry, or better yet, an apology to her children. You left their mother without means to care for them all based on a personal agenda. Anyone that came against the cash cow, Stephanie C. Mullings, was attacked by this board and for what reason? That's why I cringe when people spew these scriptures telling Mullings that the wicked will not prevail. Really? So now those seeking truth/righteousness are called wicked.
While handing out apologies, what about an apology to Chief Adrien Fortenberry, Capt. Franklin, Joshua Messner, Officer Phillips, K. Johnson, H. Wilkes, Jonathan Hosey. While we're handing out apologies, why not apologize to Rachel Jefferson who was handcuffed and threatened with a taser just because she wanted to know why she wasn't receiving her child support checks. Since you're handing out apologies, why not apologize to those applicants that had their applications trashed/hidden from the board whenever a position came before the board. So, when will those apologies be handed out?
This board does not deserve to vote on the employment or termination of another person on the city's payroll. They should find a way to get a short term contract with JoAnn Ladner and maybe she could give some insight on the fact that there's allegedly a stack of personal checks, submitted by the citizens of Lumberton, sitting the the drawer of former city clerk, Stephanie C. Mullings including but not limited to a $20,000 payable to the City of Lumberton, dated in 2011 that has now expired. (I know that was a long sentence, but I think you get the point I was trying to make). Now, the City of Lumberton is hurting financially, and our beloved clerk (sarcasm intended) allegedly allowed a $20,000 payment expire. Again, that is unacceptable and the fact that Gibson, Johnson, Crider and Hale allowed this to go on for such an extended period of time is also, UNACCEPTABLE! I know it's my personal opinion, but I truly do not think they should make the decision of who will serve as the next city clerk. They have permitted these acts of egregious malfeasance to go on long enough. I'm looking forward wo seeing what is revealed after Willie Sims go through out bank records, and I will post the results as soon as they're available. I know the board love to boast about not reading the blog, but hopefully, they won't be complete idiots and not listen to this point. JoAnn knows the job and she can serve as an Interim Clerk for no longer than 6 months but it is my hope that the new board will vote for a complete overhaul and start afresh. I may not be E.F. Hutton, but I know you're listening as well as reading.
Jonathan, I care about this city and hope to see this mess cleaned up. But I think that bringing back Jo Ann Ladner would be a HUGE mistake. The issues at city hall started a long time ago, back when she was sitting in that office. All of the crooks who came into city hall to get their share did it when she was there and continued on after she left. Lumberton was in trouble well before Stephanie came in to the clerk's just wasn't as critical as it is now. I would imagine it was easier to embezzle from the city when Lumberton still had a few industries left and before all of the Katrina money mysteriously didn't get spent on what it was supposed to be spent on. I don't know Jo Ann Ladner personally and it has nothing to do with her, I am just saying that bringing anyone one in who ever had a dog in the race is a major mistake. If there is going to be an investigation and if someone is going to come in and fix this mess, it absolutely has to be someone with no connection to anything that has happened in city hall. Someone from the past, who may have been better at defrauding the city when money was more plentiful, doesn't need to come back and have the opportunity to meddle with this clean-up.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree, I have seen and heard some things that make me believe this mess has been going on for a long time. I think other people in the offices of Lumberton probably need to be investigated, past and present. Also, someone needs to find out where every cent of the money from Katrina was spent, and also all of the donations that was made to the citizens that they never received.
ReplyDeleteSure wish Lumberton would take her back. Pearl is now broke!