Cora Rogers was, by far, the most impressive candidate for the position of Alderman at Large. She gave a rousing speech on her views for the City of Lumberton. She outlined her experience as a business woman, and how she would use that experience to serve the City of Lumberton. She stated that we need representatives on the board that would serve the citizens with dignity and respect. Cora Rogers want to return Lumberton's government to the people of Lumberton. She want to use her 11 years of grant experience to help create jobs and build Lumberton's economy. She has personally stimulated the ecomony of the City of Lumberton by employing 40 people through her childcare business. Also, Cora Rogers want to create a new leadership of trust in Lumberton. In my opinion, a great leader does three things: They Grow, they show, and they know; I could't think of a better way to describe Cora Rogers. She will use her education, talents, professional skills, and life experie...