Kudos to the Public Works Department Sanitation Crew

I spend so much time focusing on what's wrong with the City of Lumberton that I forget to offer some balance by highlighting some of the things that are right with the City of Lumberton. The return of the Informer was sparked by the fact that our city clerk and newly hired Public Works Director decided to rob me at pencil point by hiking my water bill without any legitmate reason. I guess I will have to do like most of the other citizens that are being pencil screwed; pay the bill or have your water turned off. Unfortunately, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen have left us without any recourse when dealing with the random water bill hikes because they are trying to use the water bill money as a floation device to keep the city from sinking. But this post was not supposed to be about the water bill department or the city clerk. About a year ago, I was at a meeting and Jack McMullan said he tipped the garbage crew at Christmas and at first I just thought he was flapping his lips and didn't feel I should tip the garbage crew at Christmas. But over the last few months, my views of the men that dispose of our garbage, has drastically changed. I have been hearing some great stories from the elderly and disabled how this crew has gone above and beyond their duties to assist them with getting their trash to the curbs and returning their cans to their yards. The main components of the crew is Jimmy, Stanley and Otis (D-90). I think this will be the first year I ever tip the men that deal with all the stuff I throw away. It is my hope that others will follow suit and show these guys they are appreciated. Keep up the great work guys!


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