All Talk and No Action
Over the last few weeks, I have been stopped repeatedly about various issues going on in Lumberton. Thankfully, I didn't post the concerns. I really appreciate the calls, visits, etc. but at some point, every tub must rest on its own bottom. We live in a technology driven society, almost everyone has a camera phone. Why do you always see some sort of injustice taking place, but never have any documentation to support your claims? So, for those of you that have called/stopped me and talked incessantly about various issues, well, tomorrow, Tuesday, March 6, 2012 is your opportunity to bring your concerns to the attention of those making the decisions in the City of Lumberton. It's strange that some of the main people complaining now were not complaining when their pockets were being lined by the Lumberton Police Department. So, if you have a complaint about why tickets are being written for seat-belt/car seat violations and not for the four-wheelers that are nosily speeding up and down Myrick Avenue, Tuesday night is your opportunity to address the board. If you're concerned about the fact that Lenny was forced to jump in the bushes to avoid getting hit by a speeding patrol car, then Tuesday night is your chance to voice your concerns. If you're concerned about the areas that are being targeted with road blocks, then, you guessed it, Tuesday night is your opportunity to find out why. If you're wondering why it's taking so long for your checks made payable to the City of Lumberton takes a month to clear the bank, then take it up with the aldermen. If you have evidence of an alderman's sister-in-law's drug sale/usage, then by all means, share it with me and I will be more than happy to share it with the readers of this blog, until then, zip it. Every board meeting is opened with citizen's comments, and you have the opportunity to address the board, well, everyone except Eugene Underwood, but that's antoher story. Hopefully, some of the individuals that stopped me and asked me to blog about their issues will be at tomorrow's board meeting, if not, I will know that they didn't intend to pursue the matter. So. . see you at the next board meeting.
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