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I was looking over some of the numbers from the past posts to see if people are logging on and despite the vast number of people in Lumberton that changed their internet settings, after realizing I installed a tracker on the site, people are still tuning in. For the record, everything posted on the blog is also posted on the Lumberton Informer Facebook page, but everything posted on the Lumberton Informer Facebook page is not posted on the blog. (FYI) As a country, we finally saw the end of Election 2012 that culminated in the re-election of President Obama. It was a seemingly never ending political battle. I was surprised at the number of people that showed their "true" colors during the election; well, not really. People like to hide behind their masks but thanks to Facebook, people really showed how they felt, on both sides of the political aisle; good, bad and indifferent. I was also surprised at the number of people that deleted facebook friends because of the political views they espoused. Were you surprised that the individuals you went to school with, worked with, played sports with, or even the ones that were either teachers and/or adminsitrators, were not able to contain their hatred for an African-American president? Did you think because they never called you the n-word to your face, that word didn't roll off their tongues like honey when there were with other like-minded individuals? Did you think because Miss so and so treated "the Help" well, that she wasn't a card-carrying racist? Did you think because Paw-Paw had bi-racial grand-children, he liked all the people of your race? Did you think because this person served in the political arena, he/she wasn't harboring some ugly thougths? President Obama has yet to be sworn in and the lies are still running rampant. Despite how you feel about the person that was elected, the Office of the President should never be disrespected. There were those that did not like President Bush (take your pick) but when President George W. Bush was on foreign land, and had a shoe heralded towards him, it was seen as disprect to the county. However, we have congressmen that would disrepect President Obama by yelling "liar" during a State of the Union address. There are also those that are claiming they will loose their jobs, homes and take home less pay because of the re-election of President Obama, and to that, I say, I pray you have everything you say. As I was looking over the numbers for the stories and number of times a post was read, I was surprised to see Pink Friday was the most read story of all. I guess I really struck a nerve with that one and it wasn't about politics; rather it was about something I posted on Facebook. I never know what will peak the interest of others, but I just post about whatever comes to mind. There's no brain-storming or anything of that nature. I just post; which is probably why you see the grammatical errors, but this is not a news magazine and since I'm blogging, I don't have to vet the information prior to release. However, I try to insure the information is at least accurate. I guess I should be more careful with the things I say because one may never know who's reading. For instance, there was a post I made on Facebook about girls calling themselves five star chicks. Well, the comment was made in reference to a conversation some friends and I were having during lunch. Needless to say, the closed minded individuals of Lumberton felt it was about one of their friends. On my facebook page, I posted the following: "if you don't have a GED, then you need to stop blasting the song Five Star Chick" or something to that effect. After having lunch with my friends, I noticed I had all types of missed calls. After speaking with some other friends, I found out that I was involved in a Facebook battle that I wasn't aware of creating. Next thing I know, there were females posting pictures of their high school diploma, and bragging about their credit scores and saying all sorts of derrogatory things because they assumed I was talking about their friend; who happend to also be my cousin, but I guess they didn't know that. So, me being me, I responded with the following: "If after reading my post about five star chicks, and your friends thought about you, then you need to find a better group of friends." I don't know if she they took my advice, but my point is this, you don't have to like what I say, but I'm not going to be silenced because you are not comforatable. Beside, you have the blog as well as facebook and other private groups to post your snide comments and/or responses. Recently, I was sent a link, that led me to not one but two blogs that were started by Fire Cheif, Jerry Walters. From what I read, he was saying something about I had went too far and also said something about Roy King arrest was somehow linked to the fact that Mayor Holder, Alderman Quincy Rogers and myself did not like him. Really??? But he has the right to express his feelings just like I have the right to do so as well. I apologize for this long post, but I just wanted to let you know there will be some upcoming posts about the 2013 election as well as the issues taking place at city hall. Talk to you soon.


  1. Happy so to see you back.

  2. Why all the good words about Roy King, some people are just blind. Roy has never worked an honest day in his life, lets take a true look, all of this can easily be verified 1. How can someone drawing disability (too hurt to work)be a fire chief? 2. How can someone on disability be a fire chief and be a paid under the table bouncer in a nightclub? 3 if hes as good as some make him out to be, how does he never pay for his child. 4. if hes so good of a man why did he run off with the female from the fire department where he was chief (while drawing disablilty), leaving a wife and kid? I fail to see any good in Roy King. I never expect to see this actually posted, but as i said all of this is easily verified. let us all hear the truth about this guy.


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