Just When You Thought I Was Finished. .

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;I come to shine the light of accountability on the elected officials of Lumberton, not to praise them.The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let's hope that's not the case when it comes to the City of Lumberton. In the words of Mark Twain, the reports of the death of the Lumberton Informer has been greatly exaggerated. I'm not done yet. When I'm ready to stop blogging it will be on my own terms; not on the terms of others. WTBS. . I'm back and get ready for some more of my insights into Lumberton's city government. There are a lot of secrets waiting to be shared and you all know how I love to share. Lumberton is a solution waiting for a problem; in other words, it's @$$ backwards. There has been quite a few things happening over the weeks, but they were just too depressing even for me to comment about. However, I'm still trying to sink my teeth into the report about a Lumberton business owner that allegedly threatened one of his customers with a dog. It was said that the person was threatening to release his dog on someone that patronized his establishment regularly. I don't have the complete details because I'm still checking with the street committee. I have other news to share, but I will save it for a later date. I just wanted to let my readers know that just because I've become disintersted in the political scene of Lumberton, I'm still here to shake up the status quo. I'm still working on an alternate site for those that can't access the newly formatted page, and I should have that link ready for you guys soon. Until then, govern yourselves accordingly.


  1. Welcome Back. Missed you.. Thank you once again for keeping us informed on the goings on in our fair or not so fair city.

  2. well well jg i think u just showed that u are just running your mouth about untrue bs talked about among freinds now we got you

    1. I know there are people that post anonymously for various reasons and I understand that, but then there are cowards, such as yourself, that love to leave anonymous posts because you want to throw rocks and hide your hand. I figured I would get a comment like this, especially on this post. I guess you could say it was BOUND to happen. Generally, I don't respond to cowardly posts because I think you and enuchs have one thing in common. . .


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