Pink Friday. . Lumberton Edition

For those of you that are not on my facebook page, you missed how a blanket statement led a group self-absorbed, non-parental group of people to city hall to file charges against me for posting on my facebook page. Now where they do that at? Oh, Lumberton. I wasn't speaking in tongues, but apparently, they needed an interperter. I posted the following on facebook yesterday: "Teenage girls + a woman who's dating a man that was one pickup line away from being her daddy instead of her papi = handcuffs (and not the fluffy pink ones you keep in your freak kit). . .#6vs1" Now how in the Rick Ross did this strike such a nerve? So, for the slow and imparied that apparently have issues with reading and comprehension, I will reveal the meaning of that statement. Contrary to the inbox messages, calls, etc. the post was not about this father that has been allegedly having sex with his daughter. The post was about the grown woman that is/was dating someone almost twice her age, but she still hang around high school girls. That's who the post was directed towards. I don't have any children, but if I were a parent, I wouldn't let my teenage girl hang around a woman that's obviously doing grown woman thangs, drinking, sexing, etc. On top of that, if this grown woman is dating an older man, that men his friends, who are probably grown also are hanging around and then sooner or later it's a R. Kelly situation going on. I'm just saying. So the post was really about the lack of parenting that's going on because trust, if she was able to lead a bunch of girls to a fight against one person, this wasn't the first time she got them to do something they shouldn't have been doing. I posted and comments and friend requests starting coming in and the next thing I know, I was getting phone calls talking about they (I'm gonna just leave it as they) were at city hall telling Elsie Cowart that they wanted to press charges against me and "if she didn't do something, he would." Really? When I got the first call, I was like, really? But when the second and third call came in, I figured it really happened. So what do I do? I get back on facebook and post more stuff about what's going on. It's amazing that people are going around talking about whooping my ass because of a nameless post I put on facebook. First off, if after reading that post, you recognized the traits of the people you raised then you already have a problem. Second of all, if you would have whopped some ass when they were growing up, then I wouldn't have anything to post on facebook. But back to the pressing of charges. If this is true, I want to know why would wanna-be-chief Elsie allow someone to make a threat against me and not do anything? Oh, I get it, she's friends with the ones that wanted to press charges and allowing me to get threatened would make her look better to our board of aldermen. I never knew that a general statement could get so many people rilled up, but as far as filing charges, they may want to check the City of Lumberton's minutes from previous board meetings. The board of aldermen have tried to file an injuction against me for the things I say on my blog and I was way more specific, and you think you can have me arrested for posting on facebook. Elsie may be your friend and you may think you can run to her with anything, but I know the law and I attend almost every board meeting. These people will use her up like a Kleenex, and dispose of her when they're done. I don't appreciate being threatend in the presence of a police officer, if that actually happened, and don't think for one minute that I'm scared. This is not Basketball Wives; you're not Evelyn and I dayum sure not Jennifer. So, for those of you that have an issue with what I post or say on this blog or on my facebook page, you can Smurf off.


  1. Ah the blanket posts on Facebook...sounds like some folks were guilty and by acting like that they just revealed their guilt to everyone. I never cease to be amazed at how people will see a post on Facebook and get their ass up on their shoulders when it had nothing to do with them. Those are the people that think everything is about them all the time anyway. And having people widely varying ages all hanging out is a disaster waiting to happen. My kids play with their agemates or only kids within a few years. Older kids and younger kids is a bad situation, teenagers and grown-up friends don't work unless you are all for your kid dating adults, drinking, and doing other things they shouldn't be doing. The lack of parenting isn't just a Lumberton problem, but it is a big problem in Lumberton.


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