Kim Rogers: A Phenomenal Woman
I've always said that I don't offer balance throughout this blog. It seems that most of the focus is placed on the bad things or more gossipy topics, but I think today is a good day to give credit where credit is due. I know she don't do what she do for attention or accolades but I would like to tip my hat to Mrs. Kim Rogers, founder of the KeKe B Foundation. Kim, like many other women of our community, is a testament to the power of hop, courage and resilience of a loving mother. I don't know how she does it but she has chosen to take a stand when others would have buckled under pressure. Her dedication and courage has touched so many people in so many ways. The work she's doing through the KeKe B Foundation will be a beacon for many generations to come and the she many never realize the impact her courage has made in the lives of others. But despite it all, she is still pressing forward. Kim does not want another parent to experience what she had to experience ...
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