You Never Know Who's Listening

As soon as I posted yesterday, I started receiving phone calls asking me where do I get my information. I told them that paying attention will give you more information than needed. I don't reveal my sources, b/c I need to stay connected, but most of the information comes from just listening to everday conversations. For instance, last week I had three people give me information about a conversation Bobby Gibson had with another individual at Ward's. The three guys that told me aboout the conversation were not there together and they told me their stories at different times, but the information in all the stories matched. One guy approached me at Big K and was telling me about the conversation Bobby Gibson was having with this other guy and I was shocked that they guy even knew about the Lumberton Informer.
But the conversation that was overheard by three different individuals went something like this. Bobby Gibson enters Ward's and another guy approaches him and says I hear the Lumberton Informer is calling you guys the Goon Squad now, and then starts laughing. Then Bobby Gibson tells the guy that I don't read the Informer and tried to keep a smile on his face. The two held their conversation a little longer, but I had enough details to know that the ones re-telling the incident were telling the truth. It doesn't matter that Gibson is denying that he reads the Informer, but there are enough of his family members on this blog that he knows exactly what is being said. As a matter of fact, his cousin, who happens to be my aunt, knows about the Lumberton Informer and she lives in New York. Now, you want me to believe that he's oblivious to the Lumberton Informer and he's living right here in Lumberton. Negro please (I thought I would be politcally correct on that one.) But it just goes to show you how elected officials are not willing to listen to the concerns of those that elected them to serve. Any politician that's a little bit concerned about their community would be willing to find out what the general public has to say and follow up with some sort of solution. For instance, I have bumped heads with our distric superpervisor on more than one occassion, but that didn't stop him from being concerned with the things that were being said on the Informer. I have made some harsh criticisms about Ben Winston and his personal agenda, but I commend him on being a man and sitting with me to discuss the things that were posted on this blog. Just as he said, we may not agree on some issues but we must remain respectful of one another.


  1. well did you learn any thing new? i am sure u will not post this.ylfb

  2. LMBO at the comment above...I guess he showed you...ROTF!!!

    el paso


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