Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm!

To pay or not to pay! Apparently, that is the question. I thought the drama for the day was finished, but then things got worse, if you could believe that. For some reason, the city clerk did not want the city workers to get their paychecks before the Thanksgiving Holiday. Why is there such a power struggle at city hall? Employees have always gotten paid before the holiday, so what has changed? Is the budget not balanced? Or is there something else going on? I just wonder why is it that every time Mayor Holder instructs our city clerk to do something, it is a battle? When Bobby Gibson signed the checks, he told the clerk that he was not going to sign any checks that included overtime pay for the police officers, and Stephanie complied with what he said, and did not include the police officer's overtime pay (despite the fact that the officer's actually worked those hours). But when Mayor Holder told her to have payroll prepared so she can sign the checks today, you would think there was a congressional hearing about to take place. Stephanie got on the phone and started calling this person and that person and told the Mayor that according to this person, we are not supposed to pay before the holiday. Where was the willingness to comply with what the mayor had told her to do? Our clerk likes to portray herself as being the victim, but she's part of the problem. Contrary to what others want you to believe, I have no qualms with Stephanie. But she's been in this position long enough to know the ins and out of what is legal and what is ethical in the day to day operations of city hall.
For instance, at the special called meeting, Kent Crider made a motion to override the mayor's veto. I'm not the city clerk, but I have attended enough meetings to know the guidelines for over riding a veto, so I would like to presume that a certified city clerk would also know the guidelines for over riding a veto. But our city clerk sat there while Kent Crider, Bobby Gibson, Rebecca Hale and Timothy Johnson voted in favor of over riding the mayor's veto to allow Susan Guidry to work 40 per week at the discretion of the city clerk. I'm just interested to see if this information makes it into the official minutes since their action took place prior to the adjournment of the special called meeting.
I know there are some that are happy to see the lack of respect that is shown towards our mayor, but these personal issues against the mayor do not reflect well on the City of Lumberton. Why are they selectively choosing to give pay raises? They voted to get rid of Betty Speights, who has more training and certification than Susan Guidry, they decided to let our court clerk, Melissa Pack, leave because they didn't want to pay her for all the work she's done to clear up court cases, and they fired Harry Wilkes because he was earning too much money. But now they find it necessary to give Sue a raise b/c she's been calling everybody in Lumberton, threatening to quit. When will it all end? They've stripped the pay of our police department. I've said it before and I will say it again, they risk their lives so that we can be safe and the board (Gibson, Crider, Hale and Johnson) have such disregard for what our officers do. But this same group feel that they are doing the right thing by giving Sue a pay raise. Please remember that while we're at home, enjoying dinner with our families, we have police officers that will be here, patrolling the streets of Lumberton. Enjoy your thanksgiving holiday.
I have always said I would never post a comment on this blog, but I am tired of everything being twisted around to make Stephanie look bad. This blog makes it look like Stephanie purposely did not want to pay the employees. Do you realize that would mean she would not get her check as well? She knows that payroll had always been done the day before the holiday. Over the last few months, everything she does has been scrutinized by the mayor and passed along to you to put on here. She is dotting her i's and crossing her t's. Funny how the coversation that took place in City Hall is on here the next day, but with words twisted. She did call the State Auditor's office yesterday to make sure it was ok to pay for time that had not been worked yet. He told her the best thing to do was to wait till Friday. She was willing to come in on Thursday morning and do checks. But he said it was ultimately her and the mayor decision. She asked for the mayor's advice on what to do. The mayor went across the hall and came back with four employees, I guess in hopes of ganging up on her. She was not head strong to go against the Mayor. She was gonna do whatever the Mayor told her to do. She just wanted to make sure she was legal and was not going to make that decision. As far as the sp call mtg goes, she knew the veto process. The situation of over riding the mayor's veto right then had never come up nor had it been covered in any of her classes. She spoke to the same gentlemen at the State Auditor's office and said the veto stands WHEN the mayors presents the clerk with a written reason of the veto. What was said will have to be in the minutes because it happened before the mtg adjourned. Stephanie is not the only one who has fallen "victim" to this blog. And to the person from El Paso, your IP address can be identified as to where you are located. You are lible for your statements on here. I might add, she has spoken to an attorney.
ReplyDeleteYou keep harping on Sue's salary being reinstated. Making $8.50 an hour is still $1.50 less than what she was making. Would any of you put up with the headache and stress of working in city hall for minimum wage. I don't think so. I retired from the city hall and I know what a huge responsibility it is to work there. I just wish people would learn to work together for what is best for the city.
Also, I would like to say something regarding the people who have bashed Stephanie and other people's family on this blog. I wonder how you would feel if people where posting that kind of negative remarks about your family. Taking about the city's business is one thing, but leave the people bashing OUT.
I also want to clear up something else that has been posted on this blog. Stephanie has ASKED for a full audit. She has nothing to hide and wants a full audit so it will clear up any misconceptions.
Way to go Faye, you support your daughter, but I have something to say about the things you posted. Your daughter is not the only one that had to deal with things of a personal nature. I have read several comments about the author of this blog that were abusive, but I guess his momma didn't feel that she needed to post a comment in his defense. You mentioned the salary of deputy clerk, Sue, and talked about the headache and stress of working in city hall. What do you think about our police officers having to deal with dangerous situations, and risk their lives, but nothing is said about their salaries being cut. Better yet, what about Ms. Betty and Harry who lost their jobs as well as their medical beneifts. I guess that's not stressful. Everytime I see Sue, she's either sitting at her desk, taking her time to assist me with my water bill or standing outside smoking a cigarette. But they are not friends of Stephanie, so I guess their lives don't matter to you.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, if aldermen are reluctant to hear from the voting public because of this blog, then they need to step their asses down. This mess about lawyers, IP addresses and other mess does not matter to me and I guess it will all be settled in court, but in the meanwhile, I will continue to read this blog and it seems that you are going to the same.
I know you guys like to twist words yourselves. Faye made a comment about how a conversation that was held in the office became a part of this blog. I just want to know if the conversation that was held was just between Mayor Holder and Stephanie or were there others in the office? Because when my friend came to pay her water bill, there were several people in the office. Ooops, didn't mean to burst your theory about the mayor feeding info to this blog.
ReplyDeleteEL PASO!!
ReplyDeleteEL PASO
Thanks to all that sent me e-mails and links about IP's, but I am not afraid of my IP address being revealed. The fact that lawyers are still being talked about is the main reason I have continued to blog. I was about to wrap up this blog back in October b/c I felt that the citizens were not responding to the post and did not care about what was taking place at city hall but just when I was ready to throw in the towel, I was threatened by Stephanie, Jack and Jerry. They all threated that I would hear from their lawyer. So, I had to continue to blog b/c I don't run when someone threatens to file suit against me and that's why I am still blogging. Now, the recent scare tactics may have frightened some lesser informed individuals, but if they are saying things just to be hurtful, then they are cowards anyway.
ReplyDeleteFaye had so much to say in defense of her daughter, but I guess she's just being mother. My mother do not read this blog, so there's not a chance that she'll ever leave a comment. But I find it intersting that Faye is concerned about Sue working for minimum wage, but she never said anything about Melissa Pack, Sharese Pearson or Betty Speights. I wonder why? Melissa and Sharese have families and are being forced to deal with the stress of city hall for the same amount of pay that Sue receives, but that's apparently a non-issue. How about the stress Betty Speights is having to deal with. She was terminated due to budget constraints, but when she filed for her unemployment, our city clerk sent in a letter trying to prevent Betty from getting unemployment compensation. Now, she's having to wait even longer to receive any money. Now, was that another class that Stephanie missed in her training class or was this another one of her accidently on purpose efforts to sling a little more dirt on someone she dislikes?