No Building Permit Required

If you read today's edition of the Hattiesburg American, you saw the article about Lumberton. Apparently, Timothy Johnson is serving as the spokesperson for the Goon Squad (Gibson, Crider, Johnson and Hale). He talked of how they were trying to do what's best for the city and how he hoped it would help the financial future of the city. But he failed to mention that the board never considered the budget proposal that was presented to the board by Jack McMullan. According to Jack, the budget cuts he proposed would have allowed the city's law enforcement officials as well as the other city employees to remain on payroll without any pay cuts and/or termination of employment. Unfortunately, Gibson, Crider, Hale and Johnson were not concerned about the financial well being of the City of Lumberton's employees.
I also noticed that there was no discussion on the part of Timothy Johnson about the board's decision to disband the Lumberton Planning and Zoning Committee. I thought he would have leaped at the opportunity to discuss the board's decision to violate Mississippi Code 17-1-11 by getting rid of the planning and zoning committee. I don't know their reason for getting rid of the committee other than personal reasons, but the removal of the planning and zoning committee has left the City of Lumberton vulnerable. Since we no longer have a planning and zoning committee, the comprehensive plan can no longer be enforced; which means that trailers can be placed anywhere in the city, no one has to pay for a building permit, building inspections can not be conducted, there is no longer an Agricultural-Residential area of the city, there is no longer any distinction between commercial and residential areas, and the list goes on and on. The aldermen were told time and time again about the proper channels to remove individual members from the planning and zoning committee, but they did not want to hear any details regarding the law.
OAN: The aldermen removed the citizen's comment section from the agenda, but any citizen that wants to address the board of aldermen can have their name placed on the agenda to address the aldermen.


  1. So does this mean that the land that Ben owns and cleaned off in LQ can be made into a trailer park now? I knew it was something up. I guess he will put all them Fema trailers there and rent them out.

  2. when did they meet and vote to do that

  3. @ dimples272. . .when the Board of Aldermen voted to disband the Planning and Zoning committee, they voided the ordinance for the City of Lumberton. . they thought their vote would put an end to the case the city of Lumberton had against Ben Winston, but by violating the regulations of Mississippi Code 17-1-11, the city can not apply for any grants, the city can not charge for building permits, building inspections are no longer required, there are no more zones such as commercial and residential, and there is a possiblility that any active grants can be revoked b/c there are no codes or guidelines in place for the City of Lumberton.

  4. Does this mean that there is no longer an ordinance to keep pets on leashes or behind fences? I had police come and threaten to fine me $500 based on the city leash law, nevermind that there are pets roaming loose all over town tearing up trash and spreading disease. This also means we can all keep fowl and hooved animals in our yards the way they are being kept on Main Street? That we can build on any old addition to our homes without the city having any say?

  5. Without a planning and zoning committee in place, the City of Lumberton is in violation of the comprehensive plan that cost the taxpayers $34,000 to complete. No on can be charged with any violation that is included in the ordiances. That includes leash laws, and everything else. Any building additions, etc can be added to homes b/c the City of Lumberton can not provide any building permits and/or building inspections. If they do so, they are in violation and can be sued.

  6. What benefit is there for Lumberton to be a "city"? It would end a lot of bs just to do away with it being a city.

  7. Hurry walmart distribution center! while you can get in here and get some jobs without them having the ability to turn you down! You asked once before, nows your chance! Something anything with jobs hurry get to building!!!!!

  8. leash law in lumberton was a damn joke no way to inforce it

  9. Jonathan, As you already know the planning and zoning committee only follow what law the city's zoning ordinances were. Therefore, the laws are still in place...It's someone has to enforce them. Zoning laws are still governed by ordinance. You cannot place a mobile home that is not zoned for mobile homes or you cannot place a business that is not zoned for commercial business. It has nothing to do with the planning commission! They are there to do the research and make sure that the request follows the laws/ordinances of the city and to make a recommendation to the board. The ordinances for zoning stand. The board has utimate control over them. They are what they are unless the board changes them by ordinance. Check with your city attorney if you need clarification.


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