Now It's Personal

Did you attend last night's board meeting? Well, you didn't miss much. Mayor Miriam Holder was there, Alderman Quincy Rogers was there, Chief Fortenberry was there, City Clerk Stephanie Mullings was there, and Public Works Director Danny Davis was there, but everyone else was MIA (missing in action). There were a handful of citizens, and after everyone synchronized their wathces, the meeting was dismissed for a lack of a quorum. Before the meeting was dismissed, I noticed that there was no order for citizen comments on the agenda. I asked the mayor about it being omitted, and she said that the aldermen did not want to hear any citizen comments. Did I just hear her correctly? The aldermen do not want to hear from the citizens that elected them to serve. Now, how about them apples? Just a month ago, the aldermen refused to allow the Mayor of Lumberton to address the voting public and just a few weeks laters, they (Gibson, Crider, Johnson and Hale) have decided to close their collective ears to what the voting public has to say. If the citizens of Lumberton sit back and take this latest slap in the face to the citizens of Lumberton. So, this latest move has me questioning why are they so afraid of public comments? I know Rebecca didn't want public comments because she didn't want to address the recent arrest of her husband for the manufacturing of a controlled substance? I know the rest did not want comments from the audience becasue they did not want to address the allegations about abuse in the water department? Maybe they didn't want anyone to question the legality of disbanding the planning and zoning committee? Maybe they didn't want to answer questions about their unwillingness to review the budget proposals that were submitted by citizens that would allow city employees to keep their salaries? Maybe they didn't want to answer questions about their reson for voting to terminate employees? The list goes on and on, but only they know the answers to those questions. But the ball is in the court of the citizens and it's not time to sit back and twidle our thumbs about what's taking place in our city.
Those that were elected to serve the citizens of Lumberton have no regard for what the voting public has to say about what is taking place in our city. The seem to be targeting our Mayor, but their behavior is not violating the office of Mayor Holder, they are violating their oath of office that they took to serve the best interst of the citizens of Lumberton. So, I just wondering how many pieces of silver did they accept to betray the citizens that voted them into office?
How much are they getting paid? If they are not showing up don't pay them. I bet the employees that they voted to terminate worked everyday.
ReplyDeleteJohn I must say that the citizens have been sold out for thirty pieces of silver. This board is one of the most self-righteous and self-centered boards that has ever been elected. It is clear that none of the aldermen(except Rodgers) has any respect for Mayor(The people elected)Holder.. But people do have issues even alderman, like Kent Crider his wife has left him and he is just angry,mainly at women. Rebecca Hale she just vote no to anything that the mayor has to say (what if she had just said no to drugs) I think this is because Rebecca is under the influence of some mind altering drug ,Bobby Gibson well I can't find a better word to say other than he is just dumb and Tim Johnson while he articulate well he is cunning with words and while he sounds good he does not say any thing. Lets not forget about our City Clerk, poor Stephanie'I want the readers of this blog to think about this; what would you do if your husband wouldn't work, you had mouths to feed the bills are due, your check can't cover half of the expenses and you are in charge of thousands of dollars daily that no one audits,the check and balance is done by you unless some outside agency comes in and investigates this, no one would know and you can get away with it (just for a short period of time, but don't base your decision on this cause keep in mind you are pretending to be Stephanie and you don,t think you are going to be caught)What would you do . Like I said before every body got issues so Mayor Holder don't get upset when you have to deal with people with issues its has already been established that they have sold the citizens of Lumberton for thirty pieces of silver and just like Judas they will hang themselves.
ReplyDeleteThey might not want the public to speak because one of them is impersonating a police officer!! Bobby Gibson is his name and he was at the Shell Station a few weeks ago and walked up to a man's vehicle and said that he was a law enforcement officer of lumberton. The gentleman had a open beer in his vehicle and had some more beer in his vehicle. He told the man he would haul him off to jail! Bobby Gibson did not call the police department and advise them of the situation, instead he took the man's beer and poured it out and then took the beer out the man's vehicle and put it in his vehicle. I want to know which police academy this crook went too!! He is as just as crooked as Rebecca Hale and her husband manufacturing a controlled substance! Criminals! Criminals!! Criminals! Thats what Bobby Gibson and Rebecca Hale are!! Impersonating a police officer is a crime!!!! Lumberton citizens its time to take a stand over these crooks that are sitting on the board of alderman so it can benefit them! They can care less about this town so why in the hell should we care about them!! Mayor Holder don't give up!! Quincy Rogers is the only sane alderman we have on the board and the rest of them no good, low down dirty, good for nothing, wanna be in charge donkeys butts are going to wish they would have done the things the right way! They will pay in the end!! IN AMERICA YOU HAVE A THING CALLED FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! SPEAK OUT LUMBERTON CITIZENS!! SPEAK OUT!!!
ReplyDeleteNow you know Bobby dranked that beer. He didn't want anybody see him go buy it. It was probaly too late to go to Bogulosa and get a daiquiri.
ReplyDeleteI would love to know why you are all so negative of Stephanie Mullings? She just does her job....and puts in a LOT of her time doing it..time she could be home with her family!
ReplyDeleteSo what about our police officers? They risk their lives day in and day out and would love to sit in the office on facebook and Lumberton Informer all day. We dangerous ppl roaming the streets of Lumberton, court clerks running ragged trying to piece together cases that are under investigation from the DA's office, but we have ppl wanting to make this about one clerk. But regardless of what the citizens of Lumberton may think or despite what John may blog about, our aldermen think she is better than everyone else since they cut everyone's salaries and left her's the same. So, I guess she's suffering in comfort while everyone else must deal with the fact that they must adjust the lifestyles b/c the board does not care about them or their families.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry.. Was the first poster trying to suggest that Stephanie Mullings is embezzling money from the City of Lumberton? Isn't that libel?