We're Not Buying It

After the board meeting on Tuesday night, I am still SMDH. The biggest highlight of the meeting came when Alderman Quincy Rogers, seemingly the only alderman that is working for the citizens that elected him, put Rebecca Hale, Ward 1 Alderman, in her place. I am still wondering why Rebecca is such a double-minded individual. Just a few months ago, she wanted my assistance in building a case of misconduct concerning the actions of Timothy Johnson and Bobby Gibson. But now she is full steam ahead with any and everything they say. Could this be some sort of side effect? If so,it would offer some clarity as to how she operates. During the meeting, the board justified their votes by saying that the City of Lumberton is suffering financially, but during the same meeting, they wanted to vote and send the city clerk to a training class that was not mandatory. Now, you just cut the police officer's salary and you turn around and get ready to spend money on travel, hotel fees, and registration cost for a class that is not mandatory. The aldermen did not take a vote on the matter, but Rebecca winked at our city clerk and told her to put it on the next agenda.
Now, why did Rebecca wink at the city clerk? Was that code for "we'll give you the go ahead next month" or was it simply a reaction to smoking that purp? A person has to be might bold to think they can hide marijuana in a deer food plot. What type of deer were they planning on catching? I really don't know, the only person that could answer that question would be Rebecca and since the aldermen do not want to hear comments from the voting public, I wish you luck in getting an answer.
It is truly sad that the politics of this city has deteriorated to such a degree. But one thing is for certain, if I can't speak then I can't spend. This idea came to me yesterday when I was at Bad to the Bone--Purvis location. Why would I spend money in a city that has no regard for my input in the decisions that are being made? The holiday season is fast approaching and the majority of Lumberton's revenue is made during this time of year. I will not spend a penty (yes I said penty) at any retail stores, gas stations or restaurants within the city limits of Lumberon until I am afforded the right to speak at board meetings and I suggest the readers of this blog join this effort. They (Gibson, Crider, Johnson and Hale) think they have taken away our power, our voices as citizens of Lumberton, well, I can assure you that we can speak volumes by withholding our taxes dollars in an already dwindling economy. OAN: from this point forward, I will pay my water bills with change (pennies, nickles and dimes). So if anyone has an extra Crown Royal velvet bag, would you please contact me because I need one for my water bill money. One way or another, I'm gonna bring change to city hall.
I will glady give you some insight on Rebecca Hale's off beat behavior. When I was a police oficer in Lumberton, years ago, we dealt with Owen Hale after he allegedly raped his sister. The woman had become sucidal and his mother pleaded with her to not press charges against him "because he's family." For a brief moment, he was a talented musician (drummer) but got lost in the drug game and it seems that old habits don't die easily. Now you have to wonder about a woman (Rebecca) that would marry a man that of that nature, unless there are some bigger skeletons hiding in her closet.
ReplyDeleteThere is more than one way to skin a cat as the old saying goes. Has anyone contacted the States Att, to request a complete Audit? Instead of asking local go over their heads.. As the citizens of Lumberton we have a right to know where the money is.. This has been going on for the last Several Years.. Not just with this board. But with the last. It is time to stop all this BS and start to work to better Lumberton
ReplyDeleterotflmbo all the way over here in El Paso TX!!!Paying in change!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to thank you for the laugh. I literally laughed out loud when I read your idea for bringing 'change' to Lumberton. Too funny!!