Special Called Meeting

There is a special called meeting scheduled for 10:00 a.m. this morning. The agenda stated that it is for a meeting with the department heads, but the clincher is the motion to enter into executive session. Did the department heads call for this meeting? Or is this another move on the part of Gibson, Johnson and Crider to find another way to break even more laws? I don't know why they called the meeting, and at this point, I really don't care. Unless they are calling a meeting to amend the budget then there is no need to attend this meeting.
OAN: Why is it that everytime I point out something that is taking place at city hall, I am supposed to have a personal agenda? Now for those of you that have the ability to read and comprehend, the following statements are not intended for you. I get it that you are either related or friends with the people that are talked about in this blog, but instead of trying to get on the defensive, take a moment to see if what I'm talking about is really taking place. Whenever our city clerk, Stephanie Mullings, was mentioned, the immediate response was I must be upset b/c I didn't get the job at city hall. For the record, I am upset, but not because I didn't get the job. I am upset b/c the clerks working in the office hid my application and so I was never considered for "the" job b/c my application was never presented to the mayor or board of aldermen. So, hopefully, that cleared the air for some of you on that matter.
Now to address the latest issues of having a personal agenda against Ben Winston. It is obvious that he has a great deal of influence on what his business partner and son-in-law are doing at city hall. Who benefited the most from the disbanding of the planning and zoning committee? Who had Tony Mozingo campaigning from the pulpit of his church? So please do send me any more letters about "sowing seeds of discord among the brethren" b/c I'm not. I know about the bible and I have the ability to read it for myself. Please don't send me any more letters about "touch not mine anointed" b/c I already told you how I felt about that particular topic. For those of you that think my post about Ben Winston are getting old, then don't take the time to visit this blog b/c I haven't blogged about Ben Winston for quite some time and if you thought I was going to let the matter regarding the planning and zoning committee go, then you are dead wrong. So, go back and listen to your passah (pastor for ebonically challenged individuals) and watch what happens. To the residents of Ward 4, don't come to city hall weeping and wailing when it's revealed that the newly formed industrial park is the location of a chemical waste treatment facility or the new location for Lamar County landfill (dumping ground).


  1. Well if it is for dumping trash, trash lives with. trash.

  2. I see that Bobby Gibson, Timothy Johnson and Kent Crider are still desining their own laws. The meeting was cancelled today because there wasn't enough in attendance to have a quorum. Before calling the meeting they knew Rebecca was out of the state and they knew that Quincy would be at his job, but they decided to hold a meeting with the department heads anyway. Three aldermen can not meet--it is illegal, but hey, I guess the law does not apply to them. Stephanie know that it is illegal for three aldermen to conduct a meeting but she went along with it anyway. Now, I am willing to give Chief Fortenberry the benefit of a doubt for attending an illegal meeting, but he should make sure that he tell the aldermen, who would probably try to fire him if he didn't attend the illegal meeting, that he will not attend an illegal meeting. BTW: Make sure you have a witness present when telling them (Gibson, Johnson and Crider) that you will not attend an illegal meeting in case you need to call them when the aldermen vote to terminate you.

  3. Speaking of a specially called meeting, maybe they need to call a meeting about how placing some pretty small sign saying "Boil Water Notice" out front on the city hall front yard isn't really going to let everyone in town know. I miss the days when the PD or FD people would stop by and let businesses know to tell their customers when something was amiss. Way to go on informing people City of Lumberton.


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