I just received a letter and it stated that I was a racist (expletive) and I should stop tearing up the City of Lumberton. First of all, the idiot writing this letter apparently does not know the meaning of the word racist. So let me school you on this word. According to Webster's, racism is defined as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2: racial prejudice or discrimination. Therefore, I must inform you that I don't fit that category; invest in a thesaurus and try to find a better word or category for me. I would also like to ask the anonymous coward that sent the letter if he/she attended the last board meeting? There is clearly four individuals that are doing enough to tear up the City of Lumberton without any help from me.
I talked with someone about the various issues that are taking place in this city and people are looking for a solution to the many problems that plague this city. It's a seemingly never-ending cycle of disrespect for the law, and disrespect for the citizens. However,I must admit that Tuesday's board meeting was a new low for anyone that ever served as an elected official in the City of Lumberton. I have never attended a meeting where a group of individuals that relied on citizens to put them into office decide that they no longer want to hear from any registered voters.
But I can't say that I am surprised; disappointed but not surprised. Truthfully,I am not surprised by anything that Rebecca Hale or Kent Crider does because I have never heard either one of them claim to be a Christian. But the behavior of Deacon Bobby Gibson and Rev. Timothy Johnson is very disappointing as well as disheartening. They were the ones espousing their Christian values and the need for their communities to support them in their quest to become elected officials, but as soon as they took office, they decided to discard their Christian cloaks and do what was in their hearts; disregard the law, disregard the mayor and disregard the citizens that helped put them into office. If Alderman Quincy Rogers do not seek re-election, I promise you that I will never, I mean never, vote for anyone else that claims to be a Christian.
Which brings me to the point about preachers and politics. If you say you were called to preach, then why are you seeking advancement in a profession that is know to turn honest men into liars, thieves and crooks? I am willing to bet you that the District 2 Supervisor is at the root of all this mess that is taking place at city hall. Who will benefit the most from the disbanding of the planning and zoning committee? Ben Winston.In our facebook discussion, some people were saying that we should support Ben Winston because he's the first African-American to get elected to the Lamar County Board of Supervisors and I say that is just plain old BS. Are we supposed to support him based solely on his skin color? Or are we supposed to support him because he's in the pulpit? At this moment, neither are offering me any incentive to cast another vote for him in any election. The only thing Ben Winston has accomplished thus far as District 2 Supervisor is to make it more difficult for another African-American to get elected to that post. Thankfull, he still has time to make some adjustments to his style of leadership or lack thereof, but there must be some visible changes. You can not convince me that he is not interacting/conversating (I know the correct usage is to converse, but I used conversating as a point of emphasis.) with his business partner, Bobby Gibson and his son-in-law, Timothy Johnson about the decisions they are making at city hall. As a matter of fact, when the board walked out of the meeting last month, it was reported that they went directly to Ben Winston's home. So, that goes to show you that he knows what's going on at city hall and he apparently condone their behavior and treatment of the mayor and citizens of this city.
I agree with you. Ben Winston is nothing but a crook. I will never vote for him or his son-in-law or as a matter of fact nobody that has anything to do with him. I knew something was up with the water dept. when I seen Danny at Ben's place the next day. Ride by the day before the meeting, the day of the meeting, and the day after and you will know who is working together. I've never have seen Quincy there. As far as the sewer going up. How do they expect people to pay. I'm sorry Tim but just because you can get food stamps, medicaid and section 8 don't mean I can. Some of us are hard working people that don't try and get over on the gov. Some of us are elderly living on a fixed income and can't afford for anything else to go up. When the feds investigate what's going on in L'ton I hope you crooks have your paperwork together. You'll call yourself christians. Your bible must be upside down. I'm not going to live under Ben's dictatorship as some of you are. You all wanted us to listen to you when you wanted our vote but you don't care what the citizens has to say now. All that came out of your mouth was BS. Bobby looks like a little puppet waiting on on Ben to pull his strings. This board is making hard for any African American to get voted in office. I pray that what you'll did to Betty and Harry don't happen to you. All dogs got their days coming. While you was digging that ditch for them you should have dug two because sooner or later you will fall. Everybody make your vote count. Wipe this board clean excluding Quincy who has a mind of his own and not nobody else.
ReplyDeleteJust read the Hburg American. It seems like Tim Johnson wants to run the show. Well, he is the way he talks. Why is it everytime an article is in the paper he is the one talking. He needs to sit down. If Ben wanted to run L'ton he should have ran for mayor or alderman. But what does it matter he is running it anyway. Everyone knows by now who is for the city and who is against. 4-1 on every veto don't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. Leave your church beliefs at the church and do what is right for the citizens of L'ton. You all don't believe selling at the church but believe in hatred. That's what I call it hatred. You finally got Hale on your side just so people couldn't say you were against women in charge. I wished when I went to the polls Tuesday it was for alderman and not what it was for.
ReplyDeleteJon what does the citizens of Lumberton have to do in order to vote out these aldermen and alderwoman. Please when you find the answer see if a town meeting can be called to let the public know what to do. Maybe we can get a march going down town putting out flyers of the meeting. So Jon your incharge of figuring this out and if you scared talk to all the police that took a two dollar pay cut I bet they will have your back as well as the rest of Lumberton citizens will.
ReplyDeleteuh yeah jon i would like to know who called you a racist?? wow!!! sounds like someone was trying to get you off topic. what a coward!!!! they are probly part of that group of individuals that is tearing this little town apart (cant handle the truth i guess and they are just angry that your exposing it). jon i think i already asked you this on your personal fb page, but what is the next step if the aldermen arent doing their jobs and scamming people, and trying to cover their own tracks??? let me know cuz i will SURELY MAKE THE CALL.