Katrina's Forgotten Victims

South Mississippians still struggling to recover from Hurricane Katrina are already lining up to apply for new federal housing assistance. The $132 million in grant money was announced November 16, 2010 by Housing and Urban Development officials and Governor Haley Barbour. According to state officials, as many as 5,000 Mississippians may qualify for some financial assistance, but you must meet certain guidelines. You must have owned and occupied your home at the time of Katrina.
You must currently own your home. You must have unrepaired Katrina related damage to a single family home. No new construction. Home must be in an eligible county: Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, Pearl River, Lamar, George, Stone, Forrest, Jones.
Applications are due by January 31, 2011 and must be filed at one of the Neighborhood Home Program Outreach Centers: Two centers are located in Hattiesburg, MS. Forrest County Multipurpose Center,962 Sullivan Rd.,Hattiesburg, MS 39401-2714
601- 544-5115 and the other center is Recover, Rebuild, Restore Southeast Mississippi (R3SM),1715 Hardy St, Suite 40,Hattiesburg, MS 39401,601-544-5115. Each homeowner can qualify for up to $75,000 in assistance and all applications for assistance must be made in person.


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