189 Days and Counting: Don't Get Distracted

Yesterday, there was a Hoodie March and Trayvon Martin's parents participated in the march. I am truly saddened by the events that led to the loss of his life, but I also realize that while his death was tragic, I think OUR community is getting side-tracked with the Trayvon Martin events. Also, I don't think the death of Trayvon would have tugged on so many heart strings if he wasn't a handsome, appropriately dressed young man. Had Trayvon Martin been a sagging pants, underwear exposed, profanity slinging, tatted up hoodlum, I think the case would have went unnoticed, but all of the photos I've seen of Martin, his pants were pulled up and his t-shirts were fitted; not looking like these night gown sized t-shirts sported by some we see on daily basis. WTBS. There has been a lot of rallies surrounding the Trayvone Martin case, but I think those were missed opportunites. I am supportive of the rallies, but I think that the rallies should have included a voter regisrtation drive. The November 2012 election is 189 days away, and I think people are beginning to rest on their laurels and loose focus. The only way to effect change is through your vote. The Shoot to Kill Laws Stand Your Ground Laws were passed because of low voter turn-out and if we continue to get distracted the matters at hand may get swept under the rug. Everyone that will turn 18 before November not only need to register to vote, but vote in the upcoming election. The matter of Travyone Martin is now in the hands of the judicial system, but we can make a differnce now by voting. BET stated it best when they made the commercial: Vote Like Your Life Depends On It!


  1. When you say OUR community, who are you talking about? I assume you're addressing the black community. So, you did everything but say you're voting for Obama. If so, are you voting for him because he's black? This blog is read by all races even if they don't want to admit they're reading it but they are. I just hope you don't alienate a large segment of your readers because you're pro-Obama.

    1. I'm aware that people from all walks of life read this blog but that does not takke away from the fact that despite what you may say or feel, the prespective of this blog is being given by a male of color. I have voted for Republicans as well as Democrats. I don't vote according to party line, but in accordance to the person that's representing their views. If people of this blog are offended by my support of President Obamba, then they will just have to continue to be offended. Now the following statements were taken from an e-mail I received and it gives a better understaning of how I feel about the upcoming election: Are you voting for Barack Obama just because he's black? Why not? Hell, in this country men are pulled over everyday just cause they're black; passed over for
      promotions just cause they're black;Considered to be criminals just
      Cause they're black; and thousands of you won't be voting for him just because he's black! However, you do not seem to have a problem with that! In this country black people weren't considered as people but as property. We weren't allowed to be educated, drink from the same water fountains, eat in the same
      Restaurants, or even Vote. So yes! I'm going to vote for him! But it's
      Not just because he's black, but because he is hope, he is change, and he
      Now allows me to understand when my grandson says that he wants to be
      President when he grows up, it is not a fairy tale but a short term goal.
      He now sees, understands and knows that he can achieve, withstand and do
      ANYTHING despite being black.

  2. Why do you and other media show the picture of a 13 year old kid instead of a 17 & 1/2 year old young adult? Surely you are not trtying to create racial animosity. This type of thing decreases any credibility that you may want to achieve. You fail to mention his problems at school, expulsions etc. You depict him as a happy go lucky early teen.

    1. I've updated the picture to one taken of Trayvon Martin just a few days before he was gunned downed but for some reason, despite the change in the photo that was posted, it still does not justify the fact that he was murdered. From what I've seen, he was a happy go lucky teen despite the issues he may have faced at school.

    2. Sabrina youngbloodMay 7, 2012 at 9:12 AM

      i dont care what he did before, during or after school it has nothing to do with him being shot by some trigger happy neighborhood watch person, who followed him after being told to stop,by law officals now he wants to claim he was afraid of Trayvon. People who are afraid go home and lock the door and call the cops not run to danger. You people make me sick, i have a son who is 13, and if someone is following him i have trained him to protect himself, so if Mr Zimmerman got his ass beat, and i hope he did, he should have, he had a chance to go home instead he followed this so-called BAD BOY. Why dont you focus more on the person that shot this young man, even if he was 22 in college it doesnt matter, but it's ok to kill someone just because you think he looks a suspect. Why dont you focus on Mr. Zimmermans record, where he attacked police officers in his past. I bet if it where your son and he was killed by a black man your mind set would be different. And yes i am black, and i have two sons one mixed (black & white), and one that is black, so please take race out of my mind set because im not prejudice, but i am for JUSTICE. I guess its ok to be murdered if your kid did wrong in school. Didnt know your children were perfect if you have any.


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