The Politics of the Hiring Process

Over the past week, I received several calls regarding the un-cut grass in the newly designated "green areas" on Main Street. Apparently, the politics of division has effected the level of care the City of Lumberton receives from it's public works department. So, I asked around to find out what's going on in the public works department. In their defense, it's not grass-cutting season, but they're going to need some additional help once grass cutting season is in full bloom, so to speak. I asked why Michael Holder wasn't called back, at least on a part-time basis. Well, I was told that two aldermen (can you guess who they are?) said that Michael Holder left the City of Lumberton on bad terms and they would not vote to hire him again. I was at the meeting when they decided to terminate the part-time workers and Michael Holder and Perry McLemore completed their required duties. As a matter of fact, McLemore said that he wouldn't return to work if they didn't appreciate his dedication. McLemore is working for the city again, two day a week, reading meters, while others are still full time riding two and three deep, doing much of nothing.
The story behind the grass not getting cut is based on the fact that Michael Holder caught Bobby Gibson with his pants down. No, he didn't catch him picking up Deaf Ann; Michael actually discovered that Bobby Gibson was allegedly not paying water bills for all of his properties and he reported it to Mayor Holder, which is another reason why Bobby Gibson was more than happy to sign-off on paper work against Mayor Holder. So, Bobby Gibson and Timothy Johnson has vowed to never hire Michael Holder to work for the City of Lumberton. Now how's that for a bunch of bull. We have two black men that are willfully and wantonly depriving another black man from providing for his family. Michael Holder is a life-long resident of the City of Lumberton and he has worked on and off for the City of Lumberton on various occasions. Michael not only does his job but he does his job exceedingly well. Unlike others, he don't drive around all day looking for ways to avoid work, he does not take naps at the baseball field and if he's paid for 8 hours of work he puts in 8 hours of work. Why are Bobby Gibson and Timothy Johnson more than willing to deprive a resident of Lumberton the opportunity to work at home? Because he discovered on of their many secrets. O, ye generation of vipers. Michael Holder should confront the saved liars at the next board meeting and have them state on the record the bad terms they are referring to.


  1. Bobby and Tim are nothing but cowards and I'll be glad when the people take the blinders off adn see them for who they really are.

  2. What are these people doing to help the City of Lumberton. They haven't done anything to create any jobs but they want to give any available jobs to people outside of Lumberton. Just ridicilous. And if things go like you predicted, the only police officer that lives in Lumberton's city limits will be fired or at least brought up for termination at the next board meeting. Sad.

  3. WDAM was in Lumberton for some good news for a change. Why haven't you posted about the guys that signed with their colleges of choice today?

    1. I saw a few posts about signing day on facebook and it will be on the news tonight. Usually, I will post about individual students after speaking with their parents and since I haven't spoken with any of their parents.

  4. it not time cut grass yet it must grow more in order to get best price for it

  5. Bobby n tim are some low down dirty basters.....bobby nor tim should not even reach n there pockets to give anybody some money to make their signs come voting time again...cause they will not get in office.....see what happened to their main man he got shot right down out of LAMAR COUNTY......


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